It is ideal for no one to abandon Spain and leave family and friends behind. Therefore, when we do it, It better be in exchange for 7,000 euros per month. It may seem impossible if you don’t have an incredible qualification, but in Switzerland that is the average salary.

Swiss companies have more than 20,000 active job offers through the EURES (European Employment Services) portal in collaboration with the SEPE (state Public Employment Service).

The most striking thing is that there are offers of all kinds. Both to work for a few months or with permanent contracts. Additionally, many of the jobs do not require prior experience or education.

Switzerland offers thousands of jobs to Spaniards

Switzerland enjoys one of the lowest unemployment rates in all of Europe, so you have problems filling all the jobs. This means that they have to look at many candidates from other countries.

Our way of being, academic level and effort at work make us Spaniards some of the best candidates in Switzerland. Our main problem has always been English, But there are even many jobs in which they do not ask for it..

In total, 26,500 jobs have been offered through the EURES Network. All you have to do is search on their job portal and add Switzerland as a filter. If you prefer, you can also investigate offers from other places in Europe.

Why do the Swiss prefer to work with Spaniards?

In Spain we live better than anywhere else, and that shows in our character. That’s why people from other European countries prefer to work with us, even if they don’t always understand our way of behaving.

Furthermore, you should keep in mind that Switzerland is not part of the European Union but it does have many agreements with it. Therefore, If you want to go directly to Switzerland to look for work, you do not need any type of visa.: You can spend up to three months in the country without any problem.

Switzerland is a beautiful country, with spectacular nature and welcoming, multicultural cities. Despite this, The main attraction for moving there is the salaries..

Please note that their currency is not the euro, but each euro is equivalent to 0.94 Swiss francs. That is to say, The average salary there is the equivalent of more than 7,000 euros.

In the worst case you can find salaries of 3,000 or 4,000 euros and at best more than 12,000. The cost of living there is higher, but the difference in salaries is so great that you will still increase your savings capacity.

Another advantage is that in Switzerland there is greater economic freedom and taxes are lower than in Spain, so you will have an easier time managing your economy.

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