Salvador Illa has described as “unsupportive” the tax reduction policies being carried out by the autonomous communities chaired by the People’s Party and has continued to justify the Catalan quota that the PSC agreed with ERC, reiterating that Catalonia “it will be in solidarity with all of Spain.” She has done it during Rose Festival that they celebrate every year at the beginning of the political year, in which this year they have not been present Pedro Sanchez for “due to adverse weather conditions.”

The Rose Festival traditionally marks the inauguration of the political course for the Catalan socialists, an event that this year coincides with an atmosphere of celebration after the investiture of Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat. “We are not good at giving lessons, but neither are those who, by lowering taxes, demanding more resources, are going to give us any in terms of solidarity,” he stated. Illawho has also highlighted that the PSC It will defend the self-government of Catalonia by complying with the agreements it has closed with other parties.

Likewise, he has defended that the Catalan socialists will be “on the front line of solidarity” with other communities, and has reiterated his intention to visit other territories to explain their model and listen to proposals.

For Illa, the fact that the PSC has returned to the Generalitat should be a source of joy for those who want it to Catalonia continue to be part of Spain: Catalonia returns to improve Spain, to get involved in the improvement of Spain. «Catalonia returns to demonstrate that Spain can be economically led by making progressive and left-wing policies and without lowering taxes or doing strange things that no one understands,” he stressed.

Sánchez sit-in

Although Sánchez was not able to attend the event, Illa has thanked him for his “commitment to Catalonia” and, literally, for always being next to the PSCeven in difficult times. Illa It has called on the socialists to achieve broad coalitions with progressive formations that share values ​​such as equality and social justice, and has highlighted the need to promote economic progress that benefits all citizens.

He has defended values ​​such as social democracy, freedom, fraternity, equality and dialogue as founding characteristics of the PSCvalues ​​that he sees as more necessary than ever in the face of the extreme right and a “hesitant right that does not know how to bar the way to hate speech.” In that sense, he has emphasized the need to strengthen public services and specifically housing, because without guaranteeing access to housing equality in Catalonia is put at risk, he has warned.

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