Danone has decided to permanently abandon the Nutriscore index and eliminate it from all its articles, after the algorithm change in which its drinkable dairy products and plant alternatives have been downgraded and have gone from a letter A or B to a D or E. Likewise The company supports this decision based on the lack of a nutritional system. at European level.

As Danone explained to OKDIARIO: “We call for the adoption, at EU level, of a harmonized interpretive nutritional information system that benefits all European consumers and we are open to continuing dialogue and collaboration to make this happen.”

However, as a consequence of this change in the algorithm, Danone has made the decision to withdraw this labeling from all your products. “Starting in September 2024, Danone will gradually phase out the Nutriscore score for drinkable dairy and plant-based products,” he says.

Disagreement on algorithm change

The main reason why Danone has abandoned Nutriscore is the change in its algorithm, since the system is updated every year. «Danone wants to express its disagreement with the revision of the algorithm that classifies drinkable dairy and plant-based alternatives in the beverage category. “This classification offers an erroneous view of the nutritional and functional quality of dairy and plant-based drinkable products that conflicts with European food-based dietary guidelines,” he says.

“This new way of classifying confuses consumers by presenting different Nutri-Score scores for products that have similar nutritional purposes and that only differ by their format,” he says.

Disassociates itself from Nutriscore labeling

Danone has been a faithful defender of Nutriscore since its implementation in 2021. However, the company has recently changed its position.

«For years, we have been pioneers in voluntarily displaying the Nutriscore label on the packaging of our products in Europe, with the aim of sharing clear and transparent information with the consumer about the nutritional contribution of our portfolio, to help them make the best and most informed decisions regarding your health,” he defends.

However, Danone is committed to continuing to improve its products. «At Danone we are committed to continuing working to continue improving the nutritional contribution of our products, faithful to our commitment to improving people’s health. In Spain, 90% of Danone’s portfolio already corresponds to healthy products for daily consumption,” he clarifies.

More companies will follow Danone

In 2020, Danone and many other companies were positioning themselves as strong defenders of Nutriscore, adopting the system in most of their products. In the case of Danone, it gradually incorporated the tool in all its milk productsof plant origin and waters, including products for children.

According to sources in the sector: «Danone has been the first and that is possible that it will generate a domino effect. the whole group Nestle I could follow suit, since they are always manipulating information. It already happened with Nesquik, which is 70% sugar, but they compare it with the prepared product. That is, you take ten grams of Nesquik, you dissolve it in 200 milliliters of milk and, of course, of course, it will change your rating to positive.

It must also be taken into account that there are companies that have already positioned themselves against Nutriscore in 2020. “At first, when it was launched, large brands such as Coca-Cola, Mondelēz, Pepsi, etc. were opposed,” say sources in the sector.

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