This is something that happens to all of us and is even repeated many times a day: the spam calls that scorch our phone at all hours. In recent years, companies have triggered this practice to be able to hunt down clients and some virtual criminals have also joined the trend to try to access the victims’ personal data. Below we reveal the trick to avoid this spam on calls… and being a victim of a crime.

This is something that hundreds of thousands of Spaniards live with on a daily basis. The continuous calls telephone calls from an unknown number with which different companies try to get you through insistence. This persecution has always been related to telephone operators in their mission to attract customers, but in recent times other sectors have joined the trend and virtual criminals have even taken advantage of this to do the trick. August.

The latest trend of these hackers is to collect the “yes” from the person who answers the phone to impersonate their identity and gain access to their checking account. For this reason, it is highly recommended to never respond with this word on the phone and not even accept a call from a number that you do not trust. Nowadays, scams, in addition to text messages with the so-called phishing (fishing in Spanish), also goes through telephone calls.

block calls
block calls A person receives a call from an unknown number.

Calls prohibited by law

The Organization of Consumers and Users has always made efforts to prevent these calls from posing a problem for people and that is why the General Telecommunications Law which prohibits these unsolicited commercial calls. This rule seemed like it was going to put an end to the insistence of many companies, but in a recent OCU survey nine out of 10 Spaniards confessed to having received these calls without having previously requested them.

The OCU Also indicate that many companies can take advantage of people who have been clients previously to try to attract them again or even that the person in question has given consent without having been aware of it. Other companies simply choose to ignore the law to try to attract new customers through insistence. Obviously, criminals who use these calls to usurp people’s identities are outside the law but the financial benefit of accessing a person’s banking details is worth it… until they are arrested.

The trick to avoid spam calls

The best trick to avoid unwanted commercial calls from any unknown number is to sign up for the one known by many as Robinson List. As indicated on its own website, this service “allows you, easily and free of charge, to avoid advertising from companies to which you have not given your consent to send you advertising. Additionally, this list “works for advertising by telephone, postal mail, email and SMS/MMS.”

The Robinson List website. (Robinson List)

This initiative is completely free and is supported by the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights. With respect to the data that you will have to enter on this website, the Robinson List itself indicates that: «The Robinson List Service falls within the scope of personalized advertising, that is, advertising that a user receives addressed to their name. ». «For the progress of economic activity, the processing of personal data is vital. In particular, data processing for advertising purposes is recognized in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 », he says.

And how does the Robinson List work? Very simple. The first thing you have to do is register with your ID and then you will have to indicate the means by which you do not want to receive advertising, whether by telephone, email, postal mail or via text message. So when you register, only people to whom you have given consent will be able to send you advertising and you will also have the opportunity to revoke this consent whenever you consider it necessary.

So if you sign up for this list you will put an end to unwanted commercial calls. Some may reach you via an unknown number but at least you will give your phone a break when it comes to unwanted calls.

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