No shorts when traveling by planesays a flight attendant who has had to carry out more than one drill. Plane accidents are rare and most of them fatal, it is almost impossible to survive like the movie ‘The Snow Society’, mainly because at the first hit the plane and the people inside would die. However, the training of flight attendants and professionals is aimed at a possible emergency on the ground that makes it necessary to evacuate the plane quickly.

Or perhaps thinking about a landing on water, something that is also rare, but has happened. Given this situation, the famous slides, through which people get out at full speed, would be launched. This element is what makes wearing short pants or skirts to travel by plane a mistake. This stewardess says that she has had to perform more than one drill in her uniform, with a knee-length skirt and some problems running away with her corresponding work shoe. Being an expert in traveling by plane, it didn’t take long for her to go viral.

What a stewardess says

The hostesses are in charge of accommodating people. who travel by plane and give them the necessary instructions to ensure the trip they are going to make. From a trip of a few minutes, to going to the other part of the world, with a restful sleep in between, today everything is possible.

Air travel has become popular and has become something that many people do. Therefore, more and more, we see the sky fill with lines and elements that indicate to us that this means of transportation has passed. Being able to travel to Paris for a lower price than going to Barcelona by car or train is possible today.

Therefore, anyone who wishes can do so, trying to dress in the best possible way to avoid suffering the consequences of this type of travel around the world. The first element that we must take into account is that we must opt ​​for appropriate clothing, since we will be at the mercy of the circumstances.

The discomfort of traveling by plane begins with checking your bags early and locking yourself in a place where you don’t know how or when you will get out.

Never wear shorts to travel by plane

Lose sight of our suitcases and trust that nothing will affect them, but also do it in a way that may end up being what accompanies us in these days ahead of us. It is time to face some changes that perhaps until now we would have never imagined.

When leaving the house in comfortable clothes, shorts are a good option, especially if we go to a warm place. But according to this flight attendant, if something happens and you have to get off the plane at full speed, the consequences can be terrible. We will have to face some burns in the legs that are a reality.

If we had to get dressed to go down a slide, starting with the stewardess herself, I’m sure she wouldn’t do it the same way. In short, it is something that does not happen very often, but if it did, we would have a reason to never get on a plane again, especially in shorts.

We must also take into account the destination. If you have to spend hours and hours locked up in a small space, it is important not to wear clothes that are too tight or that may cause discomfort. It is advisable to wear loose clothing and get up to walk from time to time whenever possible.

The plane makes the trip faster, but it has nothing to do with a trip on a boat where you have everything, even the possibility of exercising while traveling. For the nostalgic there is the train, an element that does not pollute like the plane and that allows us to work, go to the restaurant to eat something or enjoy a coffee while we enjoy the experience of moving around the world.

In those cases the clothes you wear are the least important, it depends on each person. A new way of traveling arrives to make us enjoy the experience again and not the immediacy of getting from one place to another, in a hurry, with high levels of pollution or with clothes that may cause us heat and discomfort. Social networks echo some advice that comes from people who do not stop moving around the world with this type of elements that can be fundamental and key in every sense.

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