The PP conditions the regularization of immigrants residing in Spain (we speak of half a million in relation to the ILP that is being processed in Congress) that these people do not have a criminal record and demonstrate “rootedness.” This is stated in the amendments registered by the Popular Group to this Popular Legislative Initiative, according to parliamentary sources.

The popular They advocate that “the regularization process be carried out on an individualized and non-generalized basis and benefit people who wish to reside legally in Spain to be able to work.” In this way, according to the amendments of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party, foreigners who can join the regularization process “They must have no criminal recordnot be repeat offenders and not be prohibited from entering Spain.

Likewise, according to the PP, immigrants who want to join the regularization process must “assume the express commitment to constitutional values and democratic of Spanish and European society. They must also demonstrate “insertion and roots in our country”

The PP also demands that it be provided with more human, material and economic resources to the Immigration offices to guarantee that the procedures provided for in the ILP can “be carried out effectively by the applicants”

These requirements, parliamentary sources point out, are already contemplated in current Spanish legislation and in the EU Migration and Asylum Pact and “are very similar” to those that were already introduced in the Royal Decrees of regularization of immigrants of previous governments. .

The popular They also highlight that the registered amendments are in line with the immigration policy defended by the Popular Party and that “it must be of the State, comprehensive, consensual, responsible, “respectful of Human Rights and firm in border control”.

Faced with criticism from Vox, the PP emphasizes that Feijóo’s party “has never supported regularization of foreigners without conditionssince that would turn the norm into a drain, which would be unaffordable in any circumstance, but even more so taking into account the migratory crisis that Spain has suffered in recent years,” say parliamentary sources.

The PP’s favorable vote for taking into consideration was always conditioned on introducing a series of obligations, as well was transferred to the associations and promoting entities of the ILP, they remember from the Popular Group.

During the debate Since the initiative was taken into consideration last April, the PP already announced that it would amend this text with requirements for resident immigrants. Thus, the popular They advocated dealing with this issue “responsibly” because «Cáritas and other entities who care for and work with immigrants have asked us to address this issue; because we have also been asked to do so by employers, who need imperatively laborand many citizens who have signed this popular legislative initiative have asked us for it, and we must listen to them.

«This issue must be talked about, and this is what we do in the PP, as a State issue, with a balanced position between the legal limbo in which many foreigners who are already perfectly integrated in Spain find themselves, due to this irregularity, border control and the expulsion of immigrants who have a return file to their country from which the Government hides so as not to execute it,” said the PP deputy Sofia Acedo.

«Any initiative of these characteristics and of this depth requires a global vision of the country, with structural measures that combine border control and irregular arrivalson the one hand, and the promotion of legal entry routes, on the other hand,” Acedo stressed.

Sánchez’s partners

For its part, ERC, BNG, Bildu and Podemospartners of Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE, have presented in the Congress of Deputies a joint amendment to the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) for extraordinary regularization of immigrants to include all people who have arrived in Spain until the date of entry into force. of the initiative, which is undergoing parliamentary processing, removing the limit that collects now the text and which is set for November 2021.

In this sense, the ILP asks to regularize half a million foreigners who it estimates were already in Spain. since before November 1, 2021. However, ERC, BNG, Bildu and Podemos want to regularize “people who are in Spanish territory in the time of entry into force of this standard. That is, all those that have arrived or are currently arriving, until the norm completes its parliamentary processing and is published in the BOE, according to reports Ep.

For PSOE members, the time limit provided for in the ILP “is insufficient and limited and does not adjust to the current reality of immigrants who live and work in the Spanish State.

On Tuesday, the Congressional Committee unblocked the parliamentary processing of the ILP, which calls for regulating half a million immigrants residing in Spain. The governing body of the House put an end to the extensions of the deadline for amendments that have been happening week after week for months.

Next step

After concluding this Wednesday the deadline for submitting amendments to the articles of the ILP, the next step will be debate the law and amendments in presentation and committee and then submit an opinion to the Plenary Session of Congress for approval, which is estimated for the second half of October.

The initiative was supported by 700,000 signatures, reached Congress last term and was rated by the Congressional Board on December 14, 2021. In April of this year it was taken into consideration by the Plenary, with the support of 90% of the chamber, including the vote of the PP (which announced that it would amend it with its conditions) and that of the PSOE. On June 13, it passed another full debate, rejecting an alternative text from Vox.

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