Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP is finalizing a bill on dwelling with extensive reforms for implementation when it reaches the central government. A text where young people will be the “protagonists” and with policies such as promoting the construction of 200,000 homes every year. This was announced by the national spokesperson of the PP, Borja Semperat a press conference in Genoa, where he outlined some outlines of the new housing law being prepared by the party. This, in parallel to the Conciliation Law that will be registered by the popular this Tuesday at Congress of the Deputies.

In this way, Feijóo’s training advances in its commitment to focus on the problems that concern society and not on “division and confrontation” where the Government of Pedro Sanchezthe spokesperson criticized. Thus, Sémper, who appeared accompanied by the Deputy Secretary of Equality, Conciliation and Social Policies, Ana Aloshas stressed that the PP Housing law will include policies so that “there is more land on the market” and to “promote the construction of housing.” «We need 200,000 homes a year»he specified.

Furthermore, the spokesperson popular He has stressed that it will be a law focused on young people, with them as “protagonists”, and that it will also include measures to combat squatting, which “harms the housing supply.” Likewise, Sémper has pointed out that the PP’s bill, “away from the banner”will pay special attention to “the most vulnerable” and will provide “legal security to the sector.”

In terms of Conciliation, Alós recalled the measures announced by the PP in recent days, such as the free nursery schools from 0 to 3 years with a universal character; the development of flexible working hours and creation of a “hour bank” that workers can use according to their needs; the extension of paternity and maternity leave to 20 weeks to be used freely; the recognition of single-parent families and the expansion of their permits; either bonuses for the caregiver contract for large and single-parent families.

He has also referred to measures for families with specific conciliation needs, those who have people with disabilities or dependent minors who suffer from chronic diseases; public employees with children with serious illnesses; families in vulnerable situations; host families and those who live in rural areas.

In addition, it has proposed the creation of a “National Conciliation and Co-Responsibility Award” to “raise awareness of the importance of this matter” and “reward good business and social practices”; and has also proposed that companies that apply conciliation measures beyond what the law proposes have a “added valuation” for public procurement.


At the press conference, Sémper criticized that in the face of these measures, what exists is the “misgovernment” of the Sánchez Executive. And he has emphasized that “the task of the opposition is not to point out the excesses of the Government, where the waterways are increasingly larger, but also to offer an alternative”, as the PP is doing with these social laws. «Citizens are fed up with partisan interests and they want solutions to their problems,” insisted the PP Deputy Secretary of Culture.

«We understand that the political moment we live in is unsustainable because this Government is willing to do anything, such as pay an independence fee “which compromises Education, Health and public services in Spain,” he stressed.

On the other hand, after regretting the tragedy of El Hierro With 10 immigrants dead to date and dozens missing, the national spokesperson of the PP has also criticized the “inaction” of the Government in immigration policyespecially that Sánchez Administration “refuses to dialogue and negotiate” with the Popular Party when Spain is suffering a severe crisis in this regard. Sémper has offered Moncloa a proposal agreed with the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo (CC), with which the PP governs in coalition, and has said, when asked by OKDIARIO, that he is not aware no closed meeting of his party with the Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, to address this issue.

Next, Sémper took the opportunity to advise the Spanish socialists that “emulate” their European partners in the steps that are being taken in other EU countries. “We would like, for example, for the Socialist Party in Spain to emulate the reflection that its social democratic counterparts are having in the rest of Europe,” declared Sémper, thus implicitly alluding to measures such as those being taken by countries such as UK or Germany.

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