Javier Tebas continue with your efforts against piracy and now it has charged against three large global companies such as Google, Apple and Amazonwhom he accuses of being complicit in piracy. The president of the League focused his criticism on these companies that, in Tebas’ opinion, do not help fight against illegal content.

«Let’s say that Google He steals from us because he is an accomplice“We are going to say that Apple steals from us because it is an accomplice, we are going to say that if Amazon does not collaborate, it steals from us because it is an accomplice,” commented Javier Tebas in the Thinking Football Summita conference organized by the Portuguese league in Port.

The president of the League explained on the issue of piracy that “there is no clear conscience in many owners because they do not speak well” and focused his efforts on attacking Google, Apple and Amazon, among others, whom he directly accuses of be complicit in piracy: «Technologically, these large companies can solve (the piracy problem), but they don’t want».

Tebas, from Portugal, explained that “we are in a time that if we do not know how to fight correctly or eliminate piracy, we are not going to grow“and argued this idea “because whoever has paid us for our audiovisual rights has fewer subscribers because people watch football through a website or an IP.”

After that, Javier Tebas spoke directly to those responsible for Google, Apple and Amazon, three of the largest companies in the world, and pointed them out as part of the “problem”, in addition to also branding them as “accomplices.” «If Google wanted, it would put an end to 90% of piracy»Thebes continued.

«Google, especially Google, is harming us with this audiovisual theft that they are doing to us»maintained the president of the League, very critical especially of the American multinational. Furthermore, Tebas drew a very clear conclusion in a kind of threat against these companies: “Either we confront all the actors involved in piracy clearly or we are not going to solve it.”

Javier Tebas’ campaign against piracy

«This is a disaster for other competitions. Is this what we want for the football ecosystem? », Javier Tebas continued at this conference in Porto, thus focusing his efforts on the fight against piracy.

It is worth remembering that this is one of Javier Tebas’s main fights, that of the fight against piracy, and that great effort – with logical reasons for doing so – has sometimes led the president of the League to go on a rampage. For example, he once compared football piracy to Googling “cocaine” and “sex children.”

«If you go to Google and type ‘I want to buy cocaine’ or ‘sex children’ nothing appears. But if you put ‘free soccer sport’ it does appear,” commented Tebas at an event in Miami. “Some are more serious crimes, but with others, like this one, which is stealing, the same is not being done,” the president of the Spanish league said a few months ago.

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