«That goal has hurt us a lot», admitted at the end of the match against Villarreal, Jagoba Arrasate, Mallorca coach, who praised the team «for being brave», although he also stressed that «we have to learn things from what has happened». The Biscayan has recognized that the locker room “is hurt”but he said that next Tuesday’s game against Real Sociedad “is there, around the corner, and we can only think about it.”

“A play that we had in our favor has turned against us,” he said in reference to Villarreal’s 1-2 lead. The logical thing was that he took a long Dominic and we would close the game there, but Samú understood that he had to play short and lost the ball. “Nothing happens, I’m sure he’s the first one who has learned something.” Arrasate admitted that “we have to close more, we cannot give as many opportunities as we did in the second goal.”

Arrasate assured that “beyond some decisions that have been made that have not been correct, little can be attributed to the team today» because, as he recalled, «we played for a long time with ten footballersbut even then we had our options. “It is a shame to have lost in this way because the draw, given the conditions that had occurred, was not a bad result.”

Looking to the future he said that “we will meet and talk about everything in the most natural way possible” because, as he repeated again, “The League does not give us time to regret“We have Real Sociedad right around the corner and that is what we should focus on from now on.”

For the match against the San Sebastian team, which will be played on Tuesday at seven in the afternoon in Son Moix, Lato’s loss is certain, sent off with a direct red card. The Colombian Johan Mojica will be his replacement.

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Zamil Hasan
Zamil Hasan is a seasoned news publisher with over 10 years of experience in the press and media industry. As the admin of jankarinews.com, Zamil leads a trusted platform that delivers timely and accurate news to a wide audience. His expertise ensures high-quality content and insightful reporting.


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