A few hours before the deadline for submitting sworn statements expires, only 27 legislators have completed the process before the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic until noon this Saturday. The deadline ends next Monday at 6:00 pm.

As reported Genesis Bellodirector of Sworn declaration of the entity, 75 legislators have started the process on the platform, but have not yet completed the delivery for review. In addition, another 36 statements are already in the institution, pending observation.

He reiterated that the deposit of the statements is formalized when they are physically delivered to the team of technicians in charge of assisting in the process.

He stressed that congressmen who continue in office are not required to submit their declaration again. However, they can update their details.

“If they continue in their positions and there is no type of formal ratification, the declaration is voluntary to update the data, since they have presented their declaration at the beginning of the corresponding position,” said Bello.

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They reiterate there are no new requirements in the process

Despite complaints from legislators about the supposed inclusion of new requirements in the process, the institution denied that additional data had been added.

Bello reiterated that the requirements are the same as those established by Law 311-14 and its 2016 implementing regulations.

“That is, there are no new requirements, nor anything new. There is only a platform with an innovative systematization and levels of traceability that allow us to verify who has accessed the system, when they did so, and this contributes to transparency,” said Bello. .

Among the requirements are presenting credit card account statements, scanning all pages of the passport and information on family members, which is why legislators see the obligation to present this data as “exaggerated.”

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For her part, the People’s Force deputy, Yudelka de la Rosawho came to present his statement, affirmed that the process has followed the order stipulated by the established norms, and called on other legislators to fulfill their duty and set an example.

“Here we are as committed and responsible citizens, asking others to do the same, because it is a duty. This country needs the political class to set a better example to build a better society every day,” she said.

While, the deputy of the Frente Amplio party, Dionisio Restituyourged other legislators to comply with the provisions of Law 311-14, pointing out that public officials must act with total transparency and without hiding anything.

“The problem in the Dominican Republic is the lack of consequences. Any official who, after September 17, has not declared his assets should be immediately dismissed, forced to resign or let the citizens decide. The public service must be ethical and transparent “he stated.

Dominican journalist, graduated from the Technological University of Santiago (Utesa).

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