Apart from the Metro of Saint Dominicin the Dominican Republic there are many places where you need to ask permission to record; These vary depending on the type of location and the purpose of the recording.

Those who wish to carry out filming and photographs in various locations must follow procedures and meet specific requirements to obtain the necessary permits.

This measure aims to regulate the recordings in areas public and privateguarantee security and protect the country’s cultural heritage.

We detail some of the main places and associated requirements:

Parks and spaces public: Permission is required from the local City Council or the mayor’s office.

Beaches: permission of the authorities local authorities or the General Directorate of Coasts and Seas. A detailed recording plan must be submitted.

Properties private

Buildings and residences private: Authorization of the owner is required through formal agreements.

Hotels and resorts: Permission must be sought from the site management, often with negotiation of terms and financial arrangements.

Places historical and sights

Monuments and historical sites: permission from the Ministry of Culture or the Directorate of Cultural Heritage. The recordings They are subject to regulations to protect heritage.

Facilities public

Hospitals, schools and government offices: permission of the authorities responsible for each installation.

Areas natural and national parks

Parks national and reserves natural: permission from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, with strict regulations.

Events public

Festivals and events: permission from event organizers, with requirements that vary depending on the nature of the event.

Requirements specific

  • Form application: complete the form application for road permits it is necessary to filming on roads public.
  • No objection from city ​​hall: for filming In urban areas, a copy of the no objection of the city ​​hall corresponding.
  • No Objection CUSEP:yesi the filming are on roads close to the National Palace or on presidential routes, the no objection of the director of the Presidential Security Corps (CUSEP).
  • Area Colonial: for recordings in the Area Colonialyou must present the no objection of Cultural Heritage or the Directorate of Transit and Urban Mobility of the City Council of the National District.
  • Av. Health:yesand needs the no objection of the Mirador Sur Park governorate to filming in this area.
  • Bridges either Tracks that Connect Municipalities: must obtain the no objection of the mayor’s office closest to the filming location, or of both mayor’s offices if the location extends between municipalities.

Procedures to Follow

  • Send Application: Applications and annexes must be sent to permitsviales@intrant.gob.do.
  • Evaluation: the application It will be evaluated and alternative routes for vehicular circulation will be defined if necessary.
  • Fee Payment: if applicable, the applicant will be contacted to pay the corresponding fee. The receipt must be sent to cobros@intrant.gob.do.
  • Authorization: once payment is confirmed, the authorization will be sent to the email address registered by the applicant.
  • For more information and assistance, interested parties can contact the authorities local authorities and responsible agencies.
  • This new regulation seeks to balance access to spaces key with the need to preserve order and security in the recordings and photographs in the Dominican Republic.

Dominican Republic’s leading newspaper focused on general news and innovative journalism.

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