Caserta, Pescara, Genoa. It doesn’t stop thereescalation of violence against healthcare workers in Italy and against which the government is studying ad hoc measures, such as deferred arrest in flagrante delicto. In the three cities, several doctors, nurses and an ambulance driver were attacked.

TO Caserta: mhe threatens the medical guard and punches the 118 driver

The 29-year-old reported by the Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Mondragone, in the province of Caserta, will have to answer for personal injury, damage, violence or threats to a public official and interruption of a service of public necessity. According to what was reconstructed by the investigators, the man attacked the ambulance driver, hitting him with repeated punches to the head, damaged the emergency medical vehicle and threatened both the doctors on duty and the medical staff present.

Having arrived with his wife at the medical center in Mondragone with his own means, the 29-year-old began violently kicking the entrance door of the clinic, demanding that the doctors interrupt the visit underway to another patient to provide assistance to his wife who was in the throes of a panic attack. The 29-year-old then punched the ambulance driver who was present outside the clinic at the time with several punches, damaging the side of the vehicle with kicks and punches and shattering the windshield, continuing to rant and threaten the health workers even while they were examining the woman. The ambulance driver, visited at the Pineta Grande clinic in Mondragone, was then discharged with a 7-day prognosis. The man, blocked by the police who arrived at the clinic at the request of the victims, was taken to the barracks and reported at large.

In Pescara: mA relative arrives, destroys the ward and threatens doctors

“In Pescara the Oncology department was transformed into a battlefield following the death of a patient. Abruzzo is not immune from the wake of bullying that is taking place in many Italian hospitals. only the frequency of similar episodes, which have now become daily, but above all the ease with which emergency rooms and facilities are violated by malicious people, therefore it is necessary to intervene promptly so that healthcare personnel can feel safe in their working environment again”. Thus, in a note, the vice president of the Abruzzo Regional Council, Antonio Blasioli.

They invaded the corridors of the department shouting and insulting anyone in front of them, transforming the rooms of the Oncology department into a sort of battlefield: doors torn down, tables overturned, furnishings thrown to the floor. Only the intervention of the police allowed calm to be restored. The incident occurred yesterday morning at Pescara hospital. The protagonists were 40 people who showed up at the facility as soon as they learned of the death of one of their relatives. Men and women invaded the corridors, after having managed to enter by force: the security guard on duty immediately intervened and, having assessed the situation, called the emergency number. The patrols of the police headquarters’ flying squad arrived at the hospital first, then those of the carabinieri, who tried to restore calm, then escorted the body to the morgue.

In Genoa

Health workers attacked in two hospitals in Genoa in a few hours. The first episode at Galliera, where a nurse was punched in the face by a homeless man who came to the emergency room in the middle of the night due to chest pain. Once he left, he was identified by the police and reported. The second case of violence in Villa Scassi, where a man who arrived in the emergency room with her girlfriend pushed a nurse and threatened her with a knife, then also attacked the police officers.

Similar episodes in Puglia this summer

A doctor was attacked before August 15th during a home visit in Minervino of Lecce; a few days later a young medical guard was threatened and pushed by the parents of a child he was visiting Maruggio. At the end of August at Most Holy Annunziata of Taranto a doctor suffered a head injury after being hit by a relative of a deceased elderly woman. And then the other two cases in the first days of September: at the medical guard of Erchie a doctor insulted by a patient who demanded a prescription for some drugs. Finally, the attack that went around the web al Riuniti Polyclinic of Foggia.

“A continuous and unstoppable escalation”, denounce the doctors’ unions who proclaim a state of agitation and organize a united demonstration on Monday 16 September in Foggia to demand answers from employers and institutions.

Anelli (Fnomceo): “Strong and exemplary response from the State or ready to take to the streets”

“We ask the Government for a strong and exemplary response to guarantee safety and serenity for doctors and all healthcare professionals. In his absence, we are ready to take to the streets and demonstrate.” Thus the President of Fnomceo, the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli, comments on the latest episodes of violence.

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