The Spanish gastronomy and it’s full of dishes that are actually very traditional. Some of them are internationally popular, as is the case of the paella or of the potato omelettebut in addition to these we have others that no one can resist. However, making some of these dishes takes time and some effort. It is the case of the famous migas, traditional in La Mancha food and that we can finally find in the form of a dish prepared from Mercadona. A real delight to enjoy a traditional dish at a very economical price.

We all know how famous Mercadona’s prepared dishes are, but the truth is that no one expected them to also have crumbs, so the time has finally come to enjoy them. A simple but powerful dish, made from bread, garlic and sausages, and that for generations has been a symbol of popular cuisine. And now thanks to Mercadona you can have it on your table, without the effort of making them and also ready to eat. In this way, to a price of 1.70 euros for a 220 g tray, the Migas Hacendado They have managed to position themselves as an alternative that promises to compete with the homemade preparations of La Mancha grandmothers. The question is: does it live up to the expectations? Take note of what we tell you, because you will surely want to run out to try these crumbs that are already sold out.

The prepared dish from Mercadona that is sweeping

With ingredients that evoke the very essence of traditional cuisine, Migas Hacendado contain 55% bread, onion, virgin olive oil, chistorra, bacon, garlic, chorizo ​​pepper meat, lard and salt. The combination of these ingredients ensures that the final product maintains the characteristic flavors of this dish. But what stands out is the ease with which they can be prepared. While traditional migas require time, dedication and technique, this Mercadona version offers two simple cooking methods: in a frying pan or microwave. In just three minutes, the dish is ready to be enjoyedwhich is a relief for those looking to maintain tradition without sacrificing time in the kitchen.

prepared dish from Mercadona
prepared dish from Mercadona Migas Hacendado.

The pan option allows for a finish that is closer to homemade.. Pour the contents into a frying pan or clay pot, add a few drops of water and stir continuously for three minutes over low heat. For those who prefer the quickest option, the microwave becomes the perfect ally. Just Pierce the container or lift the easy-open tab and heat for one minute at maximum power.. These options make Migas Hacendado an accessible dish for any occasion, whether it’s a quick lunch or a comforting dinner.

Tradition reinvented

The popularity of Migas Hacendado is no coincidence. Success lies in Mercadona’s ability to capture the essence of a classic dish without the need for complicated preparations. For those who don’t have the time or skill to make migas from scratch, this ready-made dish is an ideal solution. Although, of course, the debate about whether a prepared dish can unseat homemade crumbs is far from over, the truth is that This product manages to maintain an interesting balance between flavor, practicality and tradition. Migas, which were once prepared as a way to use up leftover stale bread, have been elevated here to a modern and quick option, without leaving aside their humble roots.

Flavor and texture

One of the most important aspects when evaluating a dish like migas is the texture. The Mercadona version achieves an adequate consistency, with that characteristic crunch of fried bread, combined with the juiciness of the chistorra and the bacon. The touch of garlic and the chorizo ​​pepper meat add depth to the flavor, while the lard gives it a touch of creaminess. The key is not to overheat them, so that the crumbs maintain their texture without becoming too soft or dry.

Nutritional information

In terms of their nutritional contribution, Migas Hacendado are not exactly a light dish.. With 311 kcal per 100 grams, this is an energetic dish, which should be enjoyed in moderation. Additionally, it contains 15 g of fat, of which 4.59 g are saturated. Although it is a caloric dish, the fats come mostly from traditional ingredients such as bacon and lard, which reflects its hearty character. Carbohydrates, mainly represented by bread, add up to 35.9 g, while proteins reach 7.59 g. The salt content, 1.8 g per 100 g, is also considerable, so those who must watch their sodium intake should take this into account.

Does it beat homemade crumbs?

Comparing Migas Hacendado with the migas made at home by La Mancha grandmothers is a delicate task. The tradition and love put into each homemade preparation are difficult to replicate in a packaged product. However, For those looking for a quick and tasty solution, this prepared dish does the job. It offers a worthy version, with quality ingredients and quick preparation, which makes it an ideal option for those who want to enjoy migas without spending hours in the kitchen. Although they will not replace the charm of homemade migas, Migas Hacendado offer a practical and delicious solution for lovers of this traditional dish.

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