What is a jester? According to the RAE dictionary, in addition to being a comic character in charge of entertaining kings and courtiers, he is also defined as the man or woman (always inclusive, you know) who is dedicated to selling peddlersthat is, a traveling salesman. There is more, since it was up to the jester to entertain the court with jokes, that is, crude jokes. The chorrero is even said to be the one who cheats in the game.

What is a mamporrero? According to the RAE dictionary, whoever helps in a morally repugnant task and, likewise, person who rigs something for the benefit of another. Can Iago Negueruela be a bully jester?

At the beginning of this legislature, Negueruela was named spokesperson for the socialist group in Parliament, a condition that was denied to him in the investiture debate, with Francina Armengol usurping the role when she already knew that she was going to be named president of the Congress of Deputies. What should be translated as clear indication of his status as a jester of the PSIB-PSOE by not having full autonomy to exercise as such. A vulgar jester in short, chosen to entertain the beloved supreme leader Armerngol. And understand by entertaining, Save the place for Lady Hat Bar or Barmengol.

It should be noted that due to his very status as a buffoon, Negueruela lacks any authority, much less leadership to agitate the socialists, this word – agitate – which, among other things, refers to “provoking political or social agitation.” Again the RAE. A nobody, come on. Even more so considering that Francesc Antich He has been designated to save the chair for Francina Armengol until the 2027 elections. Send eggs.

Having then proven that Iago Negueruela is ruled out as leader of the opposition despite being the spokesperson for the socialist alternative to power, there is no doubt that His role is to be a simple buffoon in the eyes of the entire autonomous legislative chamber.. And she doesn’t drop her face in shame.

Why a bully jester? Having clarified his status as a jester, it seems necessary to remember that the mamporrero is “the person who fixes something for the benefit of another”, always the RAE. In this case, the jester becomes clear that he is limiting himself to warming the absent woman’s chair until his triumphant return. Mamporrero is also the one who helps in a morally repugnant task. Oh, with the RAE, which describes everything and also reveals it.

Iago Negueruela does not have the makings of a leadernot at all. He is just a mediocre official involved in politics, with no ideas of his own. and without any criteria.

In this first year of the legislature, Negueruela has been a zero to the left and never better said. The catalog of his stupidities has been in crescendo and, on some occasions – quite a few -, throwing stones at his own roof by calling into question his work as former Minister of Tourism. The last thing has been label OK Baleares as a far-right newspaper, for being asked by an editor from this house about the Ports case. It happened on the eve of the Council of Ministers approving the Democratic Action Plan, which aims to restore totalitarian censorship.

On the same day as the Council of Ministers, an independent newspaper, what they call far-right, wrote the following in its editorial: “What Sánchez intends is not to perfect democracy, but to prevent it from manifesting itself in its full extent when that sound judgment harms his interests.” politicians or their personal shadows. Other Another smokescreen to hide what really matters in a consolidated democracy: transparency.

I can imagine that Iago Negueruela has in his possession the cheat sheet that Ferraz’s management sent him to cover up any uncomfortable question, disqualifying the questioner as far-right. 23-J worked for them and it will certainly continue to work for them if the right-wing voter insists on staying at home, instead of go en masse to the polls to throw them out once and for all.

We should not pay any attention to Negueruela, because he is there not as a leader of the opposition, but as a bully buffoon at the service of the supposed leader, Francina Armengol, who has proven to be the worst option for the Balearic Islands to evolve in freedom. The eight years of the Pacte de Progrés, with her at its head, have made it that clear to us.

Iago Negueruela will always be able to feel somewhat useful in the Comedy Clubbecause there they do welcome the bully jesters with joy.

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