Nice gesture by the Real Sociedad goalkeeper Alex Remiro in Mallorca. At the concentration hotel where the team is staying txuri urdinthe Navarrese goalkeeper stopped to chat for a few seconds with the InterManacor goalkeepera 15-year-old girl whose idol is the Real Sociedad goalkeeper.

The minor had gone to the door of the hotel on the island to see her reference up close and when she had the opportunity she had no hesitation in talking to him and taking a photo together. «I have learned many things about you. Thanks to you, I’m a good goalkeeper», the little Mallorcan goalkeeper told him with some nerves.

For his part, Remiro has urged the InterManacor player to continue fighting for her dreams as a soccer goalkeeper. «Keep going hard», the international with Spain and champion of the Euro Cup in 2024 told her just before joining the little girl in a hug.

The beautiful moment has been recorded and uploaded to the social networks of the San Sebastian club and has aroused the emotions of many fans from both Real Sociedad and Real Mallorca. In fact, in the Instagram publication, the protagonist’s mother commented: “That’s my daughter”, a message that has been responded to by Remiro himself: “I have saved his shirt».

It is worth remembering that Real Mallorca and Real Sociedad face each other this Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Son Moix stadium as part of matchday 7 of La Liga EA Sports. A duel between two teams in trouble. Mallorca arrives without having won in their stadium yet, while Real Sociedad, which has lost everything it has played in Anoetastill remains undefeated and undefeated away from their home field. Get lost has announced “many changes” with respect to the team that lost at the last minute last Saturday against Villarreal, while Alguacil will also move the bench.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the referee of the match will again be the newly promoted Vega Lamb (he was in Pamplona against Osasuna), and in the VAR we will have to suffer again Villanueva Churches (he was in the VOR room against Real Madrid in Palma).

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