Terelu Campos’ health is on everyone’s lips. Despite constant calls for attention from her medical team, the presenter seems not to be following to the letter the necessary recommendations to take care of her well-being. This behavior has generated alarm both in her immediate environment and among her followers, who are concerned about how her health could worsen if drastic measures are not taken. We must remember that the Campos family is very upset and that does not help Terelu to relax and turn her back on nicotine.

Over the years, Carmen Brorego’s sister He has spoken openly about his addiction to tobacco, acknowledging how difficult it has been for him to give up this harmful habit. Although he has attempted to quit smoking on several occasions, the efforts have not been entirely successful and he has repeatedly relapsed. This has further aggravated his health condition.especially considering his history of cancer, a disease he has already faced in the past and that requires extreme care of your respiratory system.

Nicotine addiction is not just a bad habit for Terelu, but a key factor in the series. health problems that you have faced recently. One of the most alarming episodes occurred in March of last year, when the presenter was hospitalized due to pneumonia. This respiratory condition kept her hospitalized for several days.

Terelu Campos recognizes her big mistake

Terelu, aware of the seriousness of the situation, reflected on the time it took him to recover and admitted that his smoking habit had contributed to his condition worsening. «I don’t contribute much to any very bad and disgusting vice either.which is not convenient,” he declared at the time.

Terelu Campos buying
Terelu Campos buying Terelu Campos, in Malaga. (Photo: Gtres)

Despite these statements and the continued advice of his doctors, he has not been able to quit smoking. The latest images Published images of the presenter show her sharing an afternoon with friends on a terrace in Madrid, enjoying a relaxed chat, but with a cigarette in her hand. These images have generated controversy and have increased concern that his medical disobedience could have serious consequences for his health in the future.

Terelu Campos’ health problem

The Terelu Campos medical team has been clear in its warnings: quitting smoking is essential to avoid major complications. One of the problems he currently faces is edema of the vocal cords, a condition that prevents him from speaking normally. Reinke’s edema, which affects Tereluis a chronic inflammatory process that causes irritation and difficulties articulating words and doctors have pointed out that tobacco consumption is a determining factor in the development of this condition. Although the communicator has been undergoing treatmentexperts have warned that the only definitive solution would be an operation, something that will not be successful if you do not stop smoking.

In addition to his health problems, he also faces tensions in his personal and family life. In particular, her relationship with her nephew José de ella, son of her sister Carmen Borrego, has been a source of conflict in recent weeks. The family tension has grown so much that some media are already talking about a real war in the Campos clan. Despite the situation, Terelu has tried to remain calm and find a way to resolve the problems, although she recognizes that it has not always been easy to deal with the differences that have arisen within the company. family.

Maximum tension due to the condition of the collaborator

He 2024 It is not being easy for the presenter, since she began the year admitted to the hospital again. This time, she was due to pneumonia, a condition that further complicated her already delicate health. After being discharged, she once again faced problems at work, when an edema in her vocal cords forced her to be absent from her position at TVE. This episode, added to her temporary disappearance from the media spotlight, generated a wave of concern among her colleagues and friends, many of whom did not know what was happening to her. It was then that it was revealed that the edema was so severe that it prevented him from even speaking..

Despite medical warnings, Terelu continues to resist making the changes necessary to improve her health. Her persistent smoking and failure to follow the guidelines indicated by her medical team could put her life at risk, something that has generated great alarm among those around her. Although she has proven herself to be a strong woman on multiple occasions, this new battle appears to be one of the most difficult she has ever faced. We must remember that the problems she has with José María Almoguera are not helping her either.

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