The Civil Guard issues an important warning about what is happening at ATMs with credit cards. The time has come to start thinking about everything we do wrong that could end up causing a bigger problem. Without a doubt, we are facing a series of changes that will accompany us in an era, that of money in digital form that everyone who has the passwords and access can access.

In these times we live in, we have to take care of our movements a little more, especially if we take into account that we face a situation that may increase. Scams and data theft are increasingly common these days, so we must pay close attention to what security experts such as the Civil Guard tell us. This warning can save us more than one headache in these times we live in and that can end up being decisive. When withdrawing money from ATMs you have to be very aware of some steps that will be essential.

The Civil Guard launches an alert for what is happening at the ATMs

You will have to be very aware of what ends up happening. with our access to personal data. Especially in those ATMs that are on the agenda, we can no longer withdraw money with the collaboration of the bank workers, now we have to be aware of an element that can be fundamental.

Without a doubt, we will have to be aware of a situation that could be fundamental. Experts in scams and thefts of this type are those who specialize in obtaining the necessary information to be able to clone the data of that person who has just withdrawn money from the ATM.

With this peculiar warning that has quickly become viral, the Civil Guard warns of what is about to arrive and may end up being a reality in every sense. We will have to be aware of figures that can multiply at times and that will be important for us to have under control.

According to these security experts: «We have told you many times that when you withdraw from an ATM you should be cautious. But there is no need to exaggerate…

The precautions are basic:

  • See that it has not been tampered with.
  • Do not show the PIN when typing.
  • If the card is “swallowed”, let us know.”

What is happening at the ATMs

These warnings from security experts are what will end up making a difference in many aspects. The time will have come to take those precautions that will get us out of more than one trouble, paying attention to the specialists who give us more clues than we imagine.

Another fraud that the OCU also denounces is phishing, which is on the agenda as far as complaints are concerned: This term comes from the English word “fishing” which means fishing. Applied to computing, phishing is a deception technique that hackers use to “fish” our personal and banking data through deception. First of all, we receive a message via email, SMS (Smishing), Whatsapp or any other platform with some excuse that encourages us to click on a link. The tricks used are varied: the Treasury gives us money back and needs our card number, they have given us a prize and they need our postal address and other information to send it to us, we have to urgently enter our bank to reject a charge that has just been made of a large amount or you have to pay a parking fine. If you click on the link, it redirects you to a fake website that pretends to be the official one, such as the Tax Agency, a bank or any company or store that we would consider completely trustworthy. Once there, they either ask us to enter our access data (username and password) or our card data and that is when they have us caught because they have obtained the information they need to commit the theft.

Is important to keep personal data safe. Starting with a card that we must keep well stored and with a PIN number that only we have. In this way we will ensure that nothing affects us, at this time when experts issue this important warning.

We are all exposed when it comes to suffering a scam of this type. So you have to be very careful in these everyday tasks such as withdrawing money from the ATM. It can become a nightmare that costs us more than we imagine. We will have to be aware of every euro we withdraw and the way we do it.

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