Edmundo González, elected president of Venezuela, denounced this Wednesday that he received coercion and blackmail from Delcy Rodríguez, vice president of the regime, and of Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, to sign the document in which he recognized the victory of Nicolás Maduro in the elections. González, in a video published on his social networks, explained the circumstances of his departure from the country and pointed out that he will comply with the “mandate” entrusted to him. “millions of Venezuelans.” The legitimate president of Venezuela was forced to recognize Maduro’s victory and resign from the presidency in order to save his life.

The winner of the elections on July 28 explained that “being at the ambassador’s residence of Spain”, the two Chavista leaders “presented themselves with a document that would have to be endorsed” to allow González to leave Venezuela. «“Either I signed, or I faced the consequences.”González said, denouncing the threats of the Chavista regime.

“Was very tense hours of coercion, blackmail and pressure. At those moments I considered that I could be more useful free than locked up and unable to fulfill the tasks entrusted to me by the sovereign,” said the legitimate president of Venezuela to explain the reasons for his departure from the country towards Spain to request asylum.

González has criticized the pressure from Chavismo to sign the documents, which would be worthless: “A document produced under duress.” is vitiated by absolute nullity for a serious defect in consent. The opponent also wanted to share with all Venezuelans who support him that he has not given up and that he will continue fighting for change in Venezuela. «As elected president of millions and millions of Venezuelans who voted for change, democracy and peace, they are not going to silence me. I will never betray them. This is known to each and every one of the people I have spoken to until today.

Edmundo González arrived in Spain last Sunday, September 8, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiated his departure to grant him political asylum in Spanish territory. The Venezuelan president had been hiding from the regime forces since the elections, first in the Netherlands Embassy in Caracas and later in the residence of the Spanish ambassador. The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office issued a arrest warrant against González after he refused to appear on up to three occasions to explain the publication of the electoral records that gave the victory of the elections to the opposition, denying the results of the National Electoral Council (CNE).

The Congress of Deputies of Spain voted last week in favor of a PP proposal for the Government of Pedro Sánchez to recognize Edmundo González as elected president. The result of the vote sparked a wave of indignation among Chavismo in Venezuela, which has threatened to break diplomatic relations with Spain.

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