Aragonese football remains shocked and in mourning after learning of the death of Erick Luján, 24-year-old footballer from CD Belver who was on his way to train when he lost his life in a serious traffic accident. His vehicle, in which he was traveling with a companion, collided with a truck and the young man lost his life instantly without the emergency services being able to do anything to save him.

His team, with whom he had recently renewed, has said goodbye to him with an emotional message on their social networks: “Dear Erick, I never thought we would write these words to you and It’s time to do it with a broken heartyou were an exemplary person in the club, on the street, kind, there was never one phrase more negative than another. “You made yourself loved by your teammates, by your board (you were our chubby boy), and now you leave us devastated, we have no consolation for everything that has happened in just 1 minute and for thinking that we will never enjoy you again.”

«Player, friend, person of kindness, This house will always remember you for being how you were. Fly high friend. We hope you will accompany us wherever you are and give us the strength we need, we will always carry you in our hearts. CD Belver family. We love you. Our deepest condolences to the family in these difficult times for everyone. Always,” concludes the emotional statement.

Erick Luján was very loved

David Huerta, president of the club in which Erick Luján played, says that “the team, the board and the entire town are devastated. Yesterday it seemed strange to us that time advanced and Erick -copilot- and Arnau -pilot- did not get to train. The leader explains that he called them “the Civil Guard and three other witnesses from the town who were at the accident, and they told us everything. They told us that Erick had died, and Arnau was out of danger and conscious, but with a lot of breaks,” says Huerta. “The guys who were training were devastated and, for those who couldn’t come due to work, it was also an indescribable jug of ice water,” says the Aragonese in The Herald.

David Huerta doesn’t even have the words to explain what happened: “I don’t know how to explain all this because it’s a huge bucket of cold water.” About Erick, he says that «He was a person who did a lot of work in the locker room. He was always laughing, and he was the first to lift the group’s spirits when things went wrong. With all the joy it brought us, the truth is that it is impossible to describe and explain these moments. He -Erik- and Arnau always arrived first. Yesterday, when they didn’t answer the phone“We feared the worst,” admits the president of CD Belver.who hopes that Sunday’s match will at least be postponed: “We do not believe that Boltaña is going to put any impediment to suspending the match.”

In reference to Arnau, the other player who was in the car, is already in a state of evolution, and the manager points out that they have not been able to contact him: “He is incommunicado except for his immediate family, who is stays with him in the hospital.

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