The murderer of the two civil guards in the port of Barbate blames the victims: “They were chasing me, I was trying to escape.” Karim El Baqqali testified yesterday in the presence of his lawyer at the Cádiz Command of the Civil Guard in a story measured to avoid any responsibility for the crime. As OKDIARIO has learned, the pilot of the drug boat tried to give an image of humility and repentance in a measured statement in which he dared to blame the victims of the double crime.

“I apologize, I could not avoid the boat of the civil guards, I tried to avoid the car with a maneuver but I couldn’t, it was an accident,” said the criminal with a long history of arrests in Spain and Morocco. Asked to explain the situation in which the deadly attack on the guards’ boat took place, the Moroccan drug trafficker had no qualms about placing the responsibility on the guards: “They were chasing us, I was not driving the boat but since I am the most expert forced me and I just wanted to get away from there.

Karim El Baqqali repeats the same version of events in the Investigative Court number 1 of Barbate, where he arrived guarded by agents of the Civil Guard at 8:40 in the morning this Friday. The drug trafficker surrendered at dawn yesterday Thursday on a beach in Barbate where he arrived in a boat that deposited him on the shore.

Fear of serving a sentence in Morocco

The other three drug traffickers are still hiding in Morocco and were located months ago by the Civil Guard but have not offered to hand them over to the Spanish authorities. Three international arrest warrants have been issued against them, identifying them by their names and nicknames and specifying the charges and evidence against them.

They are not willing to surrender. They do not bear the same pressure as Karim El Baqqali in Morocco, where the main murderer of the civil guards He has pending charges for drug trafficking and smuggling. Karim has a history and enemies on both sides of the Strait, persecuted by the Justice of both countries, he has chosen to surrender. He prefers to serve his sentence in Spain and wanted to turn himself in before the international arrest warrant against him became effective.

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