The unknowns of the homicide doctor Rafael Piorno Fermoselle, PP candidate in the last municipal elections to the City Council of Sea Rocks (Almería), begin to be deciphered. The investigation by the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard points to a national police as the alleged ringleader of the operationthat there would have beenin cahoots with an ex-convict to carry out a robbery that turned fatal. Both have already entered provisional prison.

The body of Rafael Piorno, who was undergoing consultation at home, was found in his home on August 25, two days after the events. He was tied with a bridle and presented three stab wounds. The doctor had a private consultation at his home and the policeman was his patient for a couple of years now.

The agent, stationed in El Ejido although inactive, knew Rafael Piorno’s routines and schedules. Also that the doctor he had his house for salelocated on Enrique Granados Street in the Aguadulce neighborhood. He decided to plan a robbery and contacted his crony, a drug addict ex-convict resident in León, as progress has been made Four.

The former prisoner expressly traveled to Roquetas to pose as someone interested in buying the home. The objective was different, but the robbery got out of hand. He went to his house alone and knocked on the door. It was 3:45 p.m. Once inside, he attacked the doctor with a taser gun and, after a struggle, he ended up stabbing him with a knife with which the victim tried to defend himself. He stabbed her up to three times, in the neck and at the height of the shoulders.

The alleged murderer, nervous, contacted the police through a walkie talkie to tell him what happened. Rafael Piorno was still alive. The ringleader showed up at the house with a wig so as not to be recognized by the doctor and between the two they tied up the victim with a flange. The doctor died shortly after, without the possibility of asking for help.

Before the escape, the policeman and his accomplice tried to remove evidence and the ex-convict took off his bloody clothes and took clean clothes from the victim so as not to raise suspicions.

Civil Guard vehicle next to the victim’s home. (Photo: Efe)

I was waiting in the street a third person, the police officer’s partnerwith a van parked nearby. In it they loaded a plastic bag with the effects used in the crime with the idea of ​​leaving the place and traveling to León the next day.

As detailed Fourthe policeman, his partner and the buddy went to a hostelbut they raised serious suspicions by leaving traces of blood on the sheets and towels in the room. The owners of the pension called the police and security cameras located the suspects in the building.

Within the framework of the investigation, records in the homes of those allegedly involved, in León and Roquetas, and in a premises in Almería rented by the police, where various effects related to the events were found, such as a wig and a taserIn addition to uniforms, a gun, a machete and ammunition.

One of those arrested for the crime of the former PP candidate doctor in Roquetas de Mar.

Given these indications and the evidence collected, together with the detainees’ own statement, the head of the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 1 of Roquetas de Mar ordered this Thursday the entry of the police officer and his crony into prison provisionalreported and without bail for the crimes of homicide and robbery with violencea, awaiting a more refined instruction.

The judge has left in provisional release for women for his alleged relationship with the events, since the van used after the crime is in his name. He has been prohibited from leaving the national territory and the obligation to hand over his passport. The investigation remains open and new arrests are not ruled out.

Miguel Ángel, son of the victim has thanked in statements to Four the work of the Civil Guard, which has shed “light in the darkness.” «On Friday (the day of the crime) I called him and he did not answer my calls or messages, but he used to have problems with the phone. Since I still hadn’t heard from him the next day, I decided to call a neighbor so that she comes closer to the house, and she is the one who finds herself in the situation. She adds that Rafael Piorno caught her eating while visiting the alleged murderer, but denies that her father used a knife to defend herself. Furthermore, he warns that the policeman’s strategy will be to put her partner as “Turkish ringleader”and asks the media not to “play along.”

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