First Dateslittle by little and over the years, it has become one of the television programs that continues to achieve the most success in our country. This is not a product of chance since The entire team does a truly exceptional job to surprise viewers with the diners who come to the most famous restaurant on television in search of love. Last Thursday, September 19, we were able to enjoy a new installment of this program on Cuatro. In this way we met Pinka 47-year-old Catalan who admitted to not having had much luck in love throughout her life: «I can’t quite fit in with the boys». She defined herself as a rather mystical woman, since spells, tarot and spells were part of her daily life. It was her great passion!

«My grandmother was a medium and had had her paranormal experiences»the single woman began explaining to Carlos Sobera. Despite everything, she recognized that he had never used magic to bind a person, far from it. As if that were not enough, He acknowledged that all he wanted was for his date to be a “pure being.”. Immediately afterwards, Rosa managed to leave the presenter completely speechless. First Dates. The reason? He asked for a white candle, cinnamon and salt. And all to cast a spell so that the date would go as she expected. Impressed, Carlos Sobera asked the following question: “Wouldn’t it be bad luck to spill salt?”. She didn’t take long to respond: «Everything stays inside. This is going to make things flow, it is to sweeten the atmosphere.”. Then he continued explaining: «A candle gives light and light is what is needed».

Rosa with Carlos Sobera in First Dates. (Mediaset)
Rosa with Carlos Sobera in First Dates. (Mediaset) Rosa with Carlos Sobera in First Dates. (Mediaset)

His date for that night was Ricardo. This 48-year-old man from Alicante was quick to recognize that he was undergoing an impressive transformation on a personal level. He confessed this: «Right now I am younger than twenty years ago». Once he saw Rosa, he couldn’t help but be surprised by the spell since he didn’t believe in that kind of thing at all: «But if the other person believes… Nothing happens»he assured. She was quick to share the first impression she had of her date: «I liked it, it wasn’t bad. That’s how first… nice».

Once they entered the living room, the two sat at the table they had reserved for the appointment. That’s when Ricardo wanted to let Rosa know that for 15 years he had been working as a radio announcer. Shortly after, he became interested in teaching spinning classes. Once he was fired from the radio, his hobby became his profession: «Now I am trying to set up a cycle center indoor»he explained to the Catalan woman. For her part, she admitted not being a big fan of physical activities: “The sport I do is from home to work and from work to home.”

Rosa and Ricardo during their date on First Dates. (Mediaset)
Rosa and Ricardo during their date on First Dates. (Mediaset) Rosa and Ricardo during their date on First Dates. (Mediaset)

At one point during the appointment, Rosa made a surprising confession: “I’m not going to get over this in my life.”referring to the fact that she was having a date with a stranger in First Dates. He tried to calm her down: «It shows that you are extroverted»to which she tried to be honest: «I have had so many disappointments that now I have a barrier that I have to break». The man from Alicante did not take long to reach a conclusion: «It seems that he has had a very bad time with a partner and is very afraid… He is with the hatchet».

The time has come for the final decision First Dates. In this way, even though Rosa continued to be self-conscious during the appointment, causing her shyness to never disappear, the truth is that Ricardo was very understanding. So much so that the two agreed to go on a second date to get to know each other better and without cameras around them. Will love arise between them?

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