Have you ever wondered why every time there is food on the table, flies appear out of nowhere? Although they are annoying, there is a scientific explanation behind this behavior. However, what really matters is how to avoid them. If you are tired of scaring them away without success, we will tell you 4 infallible tricks to keep them away from your food and enjoy them peacefully.

The reason why flies approach food

One of the most annoying characteristics of flies is that no matter how hard you insist on killing them, they will always be hovering nearby. Plus, they’re always landing on things, especially food.

The reason is that they are always looking for food because they need a large amount of protein and nutrients. In addition, they are irresistibly attracted to intense odors such as those generated by decomposing food, sweets, etc.

Flies eat anything under their mouth such as food debris, grease, and other organic particles. These insects do not have teeth so they get their food by vomiting saliva which contains enzymes capable of dissolving food. After this, a partially digested paste is formed that they then ingest again. Finally, after digesting in a few minutes, they defecate continuously during the process.

Tricks to scare away flies

There are several easy tricks to do to keep the flies away and prevent them from bothering you. These are 4 of them:

  1. One of the most effective and simple is that of water bag. Simply take several clear plastic bags with water, tie them with string and hang them on door frames or even windows. Water creates a visual effect that flies cannot handle.
  2. Place different aromatic insect repellent plants around the house like sage, lavender, lemongrass, mint or bay leaf. In addition to keeping insects away, they refresh the home and add a natural touch to your home.
  3. He apple cider vinegar It is well known for its anti-fly effects. The smell it gives off is not pleasant to the human nose but it will help scare away these insects. To make this trap, cut off the top of a plastic bottle and add three or four fingers of this substance inside. Then, place the neck of the bottle down, simulating a funnel. Finally, you will just have to place it where there are the most flies and they will go towards the vinegar.
  4. Use garlic or lemon with cloves. To prepare it you only need to cut a lemon or garlic in half and prick a dozen cloves into each piece, not metallic but scented. Leave them on the garden table or in the place where flies flock to avoid their presence.

These are some home remedies to prevent flies from bothering you. However, there are more tricks that can be effective how to create a substance with a mixture of vinegar, detergent and cinnamon and spread it around the house with a sprayer.

A fundamental requirement to avoid attracting flies is to carefully maintain cleanliness. Another good measure is to have the garbage can covered so that odors do not act as a magnet for these insects.

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