Summer is coming to an end. In autumn, the landscapes of Spain will be dyed in warm, golden tones and it is the perfect time to plan a weekend getaway. If you are looking for a fairy tale destiny to visit in the new station, there is a place that has been named “the most beautiful town in Spain” according to the World Tourism Organization. Do you want to know what it is?

The most beautiful town in Spain, in Teruel

This town is also on the association’s list «The most beautiful towns in Spain». It is about Cantaviejaa municipality of about 730 inhabitants located in Teruel in the autonomous community of Aragón.

Cantavieja It is a place of small corners but big stories. According to the tourism website it is “the neuralgic point of the Maestrazgoa border land located on a limestone rock at 1,300 meters above sea level that has marked its future and its history.

Throughout its history, Templars, San Juanists and Carlists have left their mark on the town through different buildings, roads and paths. The reflection of what has been experienced can be seen in its cobbled streets since the times of Hamilcar Barca until Ramon Cabrera known as «The Tiger of Maestrazgo». If you want to know in depth all the battles that were fought in the town, it is advisable that you visit the Museum of the Carlist Wars.

What to do in Cantavieja?

If you go to this town of Teruel you can see the Porticada Square where you will find the Church of the Assumption. You can visit the interior of the Tower. In it, you will see one of the oldest schools preserved in the Aragonese community, dating back to 1918. There are also treasures such as the tableware used by the pilgrims of San Juan del Barranco or the peso clock that made the bells ring.

After crossing the tower arch from 1612 you will reach the Bayle House. From it you can see some wrought iron balconies and it was the place of residence of Ramón Cabrera. The Osset Family cover is preserved in the Barracks House.

Another monument that preserves much of the history of Cantavieja is the keep who presides over the municipality. This constituted the watchtower of the old castle and hermitage of the Holy Sepulchre. Currently, it retains its old walls. You can’t miss the Levantine Gothic Church Built at the request of the Castellán de Amposta, Gonzalo de Funes. Inside is the Alabaster tomb.

From this Aragonese town you can go to places like the Tarayuela Viewpointthe Faldrija Fountain or visit the banks of the river. Cantavieja is located in the Morella Ring of the Camino del Cid. Since 2014, this town has been an issuing and sealing point for this road.

If you are hiking lover You can take several paths: a walk under the walls, an itinerary along the Cantavieja River or another route from the Rebollar recreational area.

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