López Obrador is an ignorant dictator, the prototype of all leaders thugs and illiterate people who have been causing so much pain, misery and death in Latin America since they understood that an ignorant people should not be given bread, but hatred, resentment and revenge. And for this, there is no better medicine than manipulated history and imaginary enemies, magic concoction versus knowledge and golden bridge to autocracy that they crave so much. The more hungry the people go, the easier it will be to feed their knowledge with false and submissive doctrine. For this reason, they love a liberator like Simón Bolívar, a character so peculiar that, seeing today those who blaspheme his name with heavy assiduity, he would put them to the knife for being mentally beardless.

AMLO, which is what they call illiterate communist leader Morena, is not only a danger to democracy, but also to the past, a dictator against his history and that of his ancestors, whom he hates and despises every time he demands forgiveness from Spain for something that Spain did not do, instead of kissing the feet of those who made it possible for Mexico to be what it is today.

Because López Obrador and his imposed puppet, Claudia Sheinbaum, by profession, socialist, that is, looter, we must tell them who they are and where they come from. Everything that today allows Mexico to be Mexico: language, religion, universities, cathedrals, Law, History, architecture, ideas, roads, and even the liberal conception of democracy, They are due to Spain, its presence and scale there, and having turned its capital (in what was then New Spain) into the most important city in the world for decades. A status that they lost when centuries later they allowed themselves to be taken away from their territories and wealth. by the United States, historical grievance which they covered with their broad brush nationalism and black legend. They decided to hide from the Mexicans, voters and soldiers, a real plunder to poison their minds with another plunder, invented and without support historiographical. After a century of PRI, the Mexican PSOE, its totalitarian, communist drift and tyrannical

AMLO does not read, nor does he know how to read, even less studybut his scribes tell him everything in his ear, as the ancient Aztec leaders did before the sacrifice. We must remind that old man whom the street already calls dictator, that the Spanish They did not conquer Mexicobecause Mexico did not exist when Hernán Cortés and his people arrived in Aztec lands, where the main tribe was opposed to all the others and their entertainment ritual was the murder of children and cannibalism, a little like socialism today but in another way.

The indigenous people there They hated the Aztecsso much so that they asked the Spanish for help for their definitive annihilation. Many authors and historians maintain that what AMLO and his army of ignorant Spanish descendants call conquest, was nothing more than a civil war between native tribes arising in the territory of present-day Mexico. Spain only has to apologize for not having stopped those Creole ancestors of Obrador and Sheinbaum, who, taking advantage of the weakness of the former Empire, raised revolutions of independence from the motherland while still being Spanish by blood. Because the ventriloquist who handles the new Mexican president would never have become what he is if his ancestors would have descended from Tenochtitlán: he would have no history to sell nor stories and legends to inoculate the same people in need of bread and envy that hate him today.

AMLO is another intellectual trash with a baton of commanda Bolivarian thug from the Puebla Group, the club of perfect idiots with the title of tyrant. He is the perfect representative of the agenda woke up the same one that builds myths where there was history and hides genocides that today are revolutions for freedom. Do not pay attention to these apostles of ignorance, mamelucos engorilated by power, whose only aspiration is to take away from the people – in this case Mexican – the only pride of belonging and dignity that can never be discussed: that of a Mother who allowed them to be born, exist and be.

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