He former director of Frontex Fabrice Leggeri, Patriots MEP, acknowledged this Thursday in a event in Brussels of the Vox delegation in the European Parliament on the migration crisis of the European Union that in 2019 the European commissioner, the Swedish Ylva Johansson, of the Left Party (VPK)asked him to “welcome” illegal immigrants. So, he explained this Thursday at the event that the Socialist Commissioner for the Interior of the European Union explained to him when he was head of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency that «this is the role of border guards» on the spot Illegal immigration in the Canary Islands: a threat to the southern border. Then, she pointed out to him, as she recalled, that “your job is to welcome immigrants,” since, as the commissioner then added: “Europe is an aging continent.” In this sense, the former head of Frontex has acknowledged that “so there is a lie. There is an ideology and I think that is all.

In this sense, the French MEP criticized that “the priority must be to prevent these people from risking their lives in the Atlantic, imposing real control in the countries of origin».

The head of the Vox delegation in the European Parliament, Jorge Buxadé, pointed out this Thursday during the same event that the illegal immigration movement has turned the Canary Islands into a gateway for human trafficking: «So far this year alone, more than 38,000 illegal immigrants have arrived on our shores.with an increase of 50% compared to the previous year,” he wanted to remind.

On the other hand, these days the European Parliament has asked Spain for explanations for not using the 3,000 Frontex agents in the Canary Islands crisis, which has exploded against Pedro Sánchez by not using effective measures against illegal immigration.

This week the European Parliament sent a letter to the Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska, asking him why “does not resort to tools» offered by the European Union, which has recognized that it does not act, because «Spain has not asked for it». This decision by the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez has surprised the European Parliament, due to the magnitude of the crisis facing Spain.

How can Frontex help?

He Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 enables Spain to be able to request “all the tools” at its disposal in the European Union. In this sense, you can resort to the assistance of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders (Frontex) and the experts of the European Asylum Support Office (Easo).

The mechanisms of the European Union would allow Spain to provide Spain with 3,000 border agents, patrol vessels and frigates and officials to address the crisis in the Canary Islands, who would also help with the crisis of unaccompanied minors (menas).

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