It was expected what was going to happen in the Cortes of Aragon with the proposal presented by Vox regarding the distribution of ores in the community this Thursday. No party has supported his motion, showing that only Abascal’s party proposes a drastic change in the immigration policies in the face of the crisis that the country is suffering. What is not so expected is what will happen with regard to the approval of the spending ceiling and the budgets in light of the very conflicting positions on immigration between PP and Vox, taking into account that they broke the Government precisely because of the agreement to receive more ores from the Canary Islands.

Immigration in Aragon: the CIS and Vox

In line with the hardened discourse during these months in the opposition, those of Vox do not change the party strategy that cost them to leave all the autonomous governments. In fact, the latest data published by the CIS, They somewhat agree with those from Vox, by highlighting that “immigration is the first concern of Spaniards,” they point out. In this sense, the party has been registering similar motions against illegal immigration in all institutions.

Domestic violence and crime

The Vox spokesperson, Alejandro Nolascohas drawn a relationship between the increase in crime with uncontrolled illegal immigration, showing in the gallery two graphs based on data provided by the Observatory against Domestic Violence, entity made up of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) as well as the Crime Balance provided by the Ministry of the Interior.

Regarding violence against womenhas shown that the number of convicted foreigners is greater. “This is data that kills one of those progressive narratives that you use,” she said.

«Crime also increases in Aragon, also due to illegal immigration, more than 8%. A progressive increase in relative crimes, especially rapes and violent robberies in homes. Specifically, in the first six months of 2024, in Aragón, here, there have been 48 violations, 607 robberies with intimidation and 998 robberies with force in homes,” he added.

«It is immoral to import crime in exchange for votes. It is a terrible irresponsibility to encourage insecurity in the streets in exchange for having power for a while longer,” he said, alluding to last June when he left the vice presidency of the Government, following the strategy designed from Madrid. “The only ones who benefit from all this and those you help are those who are dedicated to human trafficking, the mafias that are dedicated to trafficking in people and that you help indirectly,” he expressed.

The distribution of ores in Aragon

The motion was limited to the Cortes rejecting the distribution of ores that could be promoted by the Government of Spain within the framework of future Sectoral Conferences. A point that within the Government they managed to further narrow the positions between Vox and the PPespecially in the first meeting they held to supervise the pact. Something that is far away now with both of their new strategies.

In fact, the PP has insisted that “with initiatives like these they abandon the Canary Islands, and it is something that no community governed by the PP will allow.”

Likewise, those from Vox asked to increase the safety of workers in the ore centers until they are closed, as well as not to “enable any budget item intended for the purpose of relocating illegal immigrants in Aragon.

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