The idea of ​​living off Earth has intrigued astronomers on more than one occasion. One way to achieve this is by building a space base, but it is a gigantic and very ambitious project that involves many construction materials and a large investment to be able to transport them to space. Added to this are the radiation and gravity problems that space inhabitants would have to deal with.

Recently, Several scientists raised the possibility of transforming an asteroid into a space base. According to several scientific studies, the station would be located inside the asteroid. But is it possible to live on an asteroid?asteroidsasteroids

Asteroids: the new space cities

According to David W. Jensen, a retired Rockwell Collins technical fellow and author of the article, turn an asteroid into a space habitat It is possible and feasible. Asteroids are excellent candidates for space cities, especially because the building materials needed are already in space and would also protect a colony from space radiation.

Generally speaking, the asteroid should be large enough to provide ample living space and resources for its inhabitants. For the construction of the space base, the resources of the asteroid itself would be used, such as minerals, metals and water. Of course, the mining and extraction process is very complicated, so robotic equipment would be used that would be managed remotely from Earth.

The right environment

The next step is build the habitat using modular components that can be transported to the asteroid and assembled in space. Jansen proposes making a multi-story structure to increase the living space throughout the habitat, so the best option would be a torus.

Finally, a sustainable environment should be created with adequate supplies of air, water and food, as well as a system to recycle waste and generate energy. Once it is ready, the necessary security tests would be done, as well as the refinement of the base to ensure that it is functional.

According to Jensen’s calculations, the project would be ready in just 12 years and the habitat could be used for research, tourism or even as a residence.

O’Neill cylinders

In another study published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, several scientists from the University of Rochester are convinced that transform asteroids into cylinders, like space colony designs by physicist Gerard K. O’Neill, might be the best strategy.

The general concept of O’Neill cylinders is that of a rotating tubular structure that simulates gravity through a centripetal force that acts on the human beings who inhabit it. In order to turn an asteroid into a space cylinder, researchers examined near-Earth asteroids, such as the asteroid Bennu, as possible candidates for developing this space base.AsteroidAsteroid

To hollow out the asteroid, the researchers found the perfect mechanism: the use of a light, flexible and resistant carbon nanotube mesh which would prevent the material from being thrown into space. According to Peter Miklavčič, co-author of the study, a cylindrical containment bag made of carbon nanotubes would help keep the asteroid debris and the habitat together, despite having an extremely light structure in relation to the mass of the asteroids. The expandable mesh bag would also create a hollow sphere with a layer of rock suitable for building a human settlement.

Although the article is completely theoretical, the revolutionary aspects of carbon nanotubes being studied are true, so, In the not too distant future, living on an asteroid would be a reality.

Ethical considerations and sustainability

The possibility of living on an asteroid also raises ethical and sustainability questions. How will human life on an asteroid affect the local ecosystem? What measures can be taken to ensure that human activities do not cause irreparable damage? These are questions that must be debated as we move towards the exploration and possible colonization of space.


Current technology does not yet allow humans to live permanently on an asteroid. However, exploration projects, such as sending probes and robots, are advancing rapidly. Research on space habitats, life support systems and propulsion technologies could lay the groundwork for establishing colonies on asteroids in the future.

With the advancement of technology and a greater understanding of space, humanity could open new frontiers, and the dream of inhabiting an asteroid could become a reality. However, it is essential to address all aspects related to health, sustainability and ethics before taking the step towards this new way of life.

Recommended readings

Would you live in a house on an asteroid?

Study of physical properties of asteroids

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