A British schoolboy, I read in the Daily Mailsuffers from “species dysphoria” and it identify as wolf. Before him, I remember, there were others. For example, we recently learned that a youtuber Japanese man named Toco became world famous after spending nearly 13,000 euros to achieve his dream of becoming a dog. Specifically, a border collie. Also a certain Tom Peters considers himself a puppy and shows off on Instagram. Both use very hyper-realistic costumes, sleep in a kennel and walk on all fours. They are, they say, transspecies people, crazy people also called otherkinindividuals who are convinced that they possess a partially or totally non-human identity.

I don’t know if there are drugs that, like those unfortunate children who want to change sex, alter their hormones and cause them caninize. Surely they will find ways to hirsute and having their canines sharpened at the dentist, if you’ll pardon the evil sarcasm. But it seems that an increasing number of schoolchildren are feeling like foxes, dragons, birds, snakes, sharks and even dinosaurs.

Sorry, you could see it coming. The “even more difficult” is in the nature of delusions and the desire to attract attention. And this comes from what comes. The English term queer It means “strange, twisted or strange” and belongs to the principles of the fourth wave of the feminist and LGBT movement: when currents and identities described as peripheral or dissident began to emerge, people who not only did not feel represented by the category man or woman. , but not by concepts such as gay, homosexual or lesbian. Since we did not act then with scientific criteria or mere common sense, hand in hand with political opportunism these follies ended up in the very legislation of a large part of Western countries. Faced with such scams, the bets of the eccentrics necessarily have to be higher. And that very special high school student claims that he suffers from “species dysphoria.” The most worrying thing is that the writer of the article assures that “the teachers are supporting the young man.” A clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Tommy MacKay, who is interested in the case, assures, alarmed, that “there is no scientific condition called species dysphoria.”

Science? What science? Neither teachers nor politicians seem very interested in it. It also seemed crazy that “gender dysphoria” ended up meaning that biological sex doesn’t exist and that they finished us off with an esoteric artifact like Trans Law. Rather, I suspect that we will see faculty woke up running to demonstrate how very open-minded they are with that damn “animal dysphoria.” The story about that wolf-child comes after a school in Aberdeenshire had to deny rumors that a student who identified himself as a cat had had a litter tray put in the toilets. At the wolf-child’s school, they excuse what may be a prank or a health problem with super-mega-cool pseudo-medical terminology.

Scotland seems to be a paradise of trans, gender or species delirium. The aforementioned Dr. MacKay rightly protested: “We now have advice that seems to accept at face value a child identifying as a wolf, rather than being told to pull himself together and control himself, which would be the common sense approach. As the author of the article says: “Woe betide anyone who seeks employment in a Scottish school and is not willing to submit to this crazy equality agenda!”

Indeed: the problem of these ideological drifts or mass hysteria is the defenders of reason and common sense that it leaves behind.

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