Tom Cruise has fallen in love with a Spanish town of 14 inhabitants and stone streets next to the Pyrenees. This famous Hollywood actor has been enchanted by the rural atmosphere of Spain where we can go whenever we feel like it. It’s time to start thinking about a getaway similar to the one the protagonist of Mission Impossible made. This man has been able to travel half the world, but he ended up in our country spending a few days.

Spain is an important tourist attraction pole. It is a place that has everything and more. We can discover a town that has received international media attention. The fact that someone from so far away has surrendered to the landscape, gastronomy and history of a place that can really help us disconnect. The tranquility of a small and most welcoming town can end up being what makes us enjoy a truly spectacular corner, which we should not miss under any circumstances. Discover a little more about the place that has attracted the attention of Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise has conquered this town

Walk through a town of only 14 inhabitants and hearing a helicopter land is something that will surely generate more than one look of attention. The most impressive thing would be to see an actor like Tom Cruise getting out of this unique vehicle, ready to spend a few days disconnecting in this place in Spain that has appeared in all the international media.

One more proof that something is changing and that it may end up being what marks a before and after. Therefore, the time will have come to start thinking about a trip to the depths of Spain that has been giving us some outstanding novelties.

It is important to see a little more of the most touristy places, in fact, we can get lost in a territory that has everything and more to succeed. An important step that can be decisive and that may end up becoming something more. An unforgettable memory for all those who came across a Tom Cruise on vacation who was ready to give us a clue about where we can go on vacation. A town close to the Pyrenees that perhaps we had not taken into account until now.

This is the Spanish town of 14 inhabitants and stone streets

The people of Aragón that received a visit from Tom Cruise a few days ago are still in shock. A place that has discovered us, a very special area that may end up giving us some important news that perhaps until now we had not taken into account.

Cruise visited his friend, one of Meta’s managers who has a house with a heliport from which he can telework. The chosen place follows what the tourism website of the place says: «The municipal area of ​​Sabiñánigo, made up of 53 towns, is one of the largest in Spain. Its aggregate nuclei are scattered throughout the wide geography of the municipality, arranged along different valleys: the Aurín, Gállego, Basa and Guarga valleys, as well as part of those known as Val Ancha and Val Estrecha.

Hiking is one of the main activities in the area: «Our privileged location in the Central Pyrenees guarantees an exceptional natural environment. Hence our mountains, forests and fields are dotted with conditioned and marked trails for your enjoyment. Here you will find constantly changing landscapes that offer a different spectacle each season. Enjoy the varied flora in spring and summer, the colors of autumn and of course the white snow in winter.

Cycling can also become an activity that we are sure to be passionate about: «Surely if someone mentions Sabiñánigo, the Quebrantahuesos International Cycle Tourist March and its little sister, the Treparriscos, will come to mind. Sabiñánigo is, without a doubt, synonymous with cycling. A paradise for all types of bicycle fans and professionals. In addition to idyllic roads and mountain passes impossible for road bike lovers, here you will find an unbeatable natural setting and a multitude of mountain bike/mtb routes for all levels and tastes.

A trip that can also end up being what invites us to discover an area that can end up being what makes an important difference in many aspects. Huesca is an ideal destination for autumn or any time of the year. We need to discover essentially everything that happens around us, so, in the end we must begin to manage some details that are key in every sense, we will have to be aware of everything that happens around us.

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