British police have arrested a man in connection with the death of an English woman who allegedly fell from the balcony of a hotel in Cala de Bou, Sant Antoni (Ibiza). The events date back to September 25, 2022 when Robyn Eve Maines, a 24-year-old lawyer, fell from a height of nine meters in a hotel establishment.

The Civil Guard, which began the investigation of the case, concluded that it had not detected any signs of violent death. Now, two years later, the Merseyside County Police in Liverpool have reviewed the materials sent by the Spanish authorities and have already has arrested a 27-year-old possible suspect in London, according to the BBC.

British police investigators are now appealing for witnesses in the death of Robyn Eve Maines two years ago in Ibiza.
According to SkyNews, Merseyside Police describe the death as “unexplained” and have stated that the detained man, aged 27, is the suspect and that he has been questioned although he has been released on bail, but with charges, pending new research.

Investigators have appealed for witnesses, including tourists staying at the hotel at the time, to contact police. «On the second anniversary, we are appealing for witnesses who stayed at the hotel in September 2022 and who reside in the United Kingdom to come forward. Maybe they return to this same hotel on the same date every year. “Were you there in 2022 and saw or heard anything or do you have other information that could help with our search?”

According to Guardianthe inspector Phil Ryan, He points out that “we carry out a series of lines of investigation, but it is vital that people come forward and tell us what they know. “Robyn’s family have understandably been devastated by her death and are still searching for answers about what happened.”

Police authorities ask that anyone who can help in the investigation contact them via text message on the social networks @MerPolCC where they will also find several contact numbers to do so anonymously.

On the other hand, the family of the deceased has issued this statement: «Our beautiful daughter Robyn Eve Maines was tragically taken from us on September 25, 2022 at the Rosamar Hotel in Ibiza. Please, if anyone saw or heard anything at this time, can they come forward and contact the police?,” according to News Sky.

The Civil Guard pointed out this Wednesday that it was certified that the death of a young British woman in Ibiza had not been a homicide. As reported by the Armed Institute to Europa Press, the case has not been reopened and the report was also archived at the time.

This was indicated after learning that, according to British media, the country’s Police have arrested a man for the death of the young woman in September 2022 after falling from the balcony of a hotel in Ibiza.

The British media News Sky has published that the Police had arrested a man in London, allegedly responsible for the events. According to the publication, the man was questioned and released on bail.

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