The series ‘I’m Georgina’, led by Cristiano Ronaldo’s influential partner, has generated a flurry of comments and speculation after the premiere of its third season in Netflix. Beyond the ostentatious scenes of the businesswoman and model’s daily life, one of the biggest surprises of this new installment has been the notable absence of some key characters who used to be constantly present in previous seasons. This change has baffled many fans of the program. and has especially put in the center of attention the reduced role of Ivana Rodríguez, sister of the protagonist, as well as the popular “dear ones”a group of Georgina’s close friends who until now had played an important role in the project.

The relationship between Georgina and Ivana Rodríguez has been one of the cornerstones of the narrative in ‘I’m Georgina’. Both sisters have always maintained a close relationship and in the first two seasons, Ivana not only played a personal role in front of the cameras, but was also involved in the production behind the scenes. It was common to see Ivana supporting her sister in her daily life, attending events, trips and important moments in Georgina’s public and private life.

However, in this third season, Ivana has almost completely disappeared, which has given rise to endless rumors. Although at times he makes small appearances, his role in the series has been drastically reduced and speculation about the reasons behind this decision has not taken long to arise. One of the main theories being used points to a possible estrangement between the sisters due to Georgina’s itinerant life, especially after the move of Cristiano Ronaldo and his family to Saudi Arabia, after his signing for the Al Nassr club.

Why has Georgina’s life changed so much?

The new location of the episodes has significantly influenced the narrative of this season. While previous seasons showed Georgina at events and meetings both in Spain and elsewhere in Europe, the third season has focused more on her life in Saudi Arabia, with some shots in other countries during her international travels. This has caused the dynamics of the program to change, and along with it, the absence of Ivana, who has apparently decided not to follow her sister in this new phase of your professional and personal life.

The famous director It is not the only one that has largely disappeared. ‘Las Queridas’, Georgina’s group of close friends, have also seen their participation drastically reduced. They accompanied the influencer at her events and key moments, which is why they earned a place in the hearts of viewers.

However, his absence has raised even more questions. Is it possible that Georgina’s new locations and busy schedules have influenced the participation of these close friends? Some fans think that with the narrative focusing on Saudi Arabia, where Georgina spends most of her time now, ‘Las Queridas’, who mostly reside in Spain or Europehave not been able to be part of this new stage. Although there are no official statements about the reduction of his time on screen, it is evident that the production has chosen to give more prominence to other characters, which has radically changed the atmosphere of the series.

Román, Georgina’s new inseparable partner

A new face that has gained notable relevance this season is Ramon Jordanawho has emerged as a central figure in Georgina’s life. This character, relatively unknown until now, has taken the place of ‘Las Queridas’ in many of the scenes, accompanying the businesswoman in her daily life and showing a relationship of close trust. Jordana has gone from being a secondary figure to becoming someone indispensable in the businesswoman’s life, which has caused some fans to wonder if this change in the protagonist’s inner circle is a sign of a deeper transformation in her relationships. personal.

In addition to Ramón, other characters who until now were practically unknown have also begun to stand out in the series. Among them are Snake, Georgina’s makeup artist and Soraya Álvarez, her personal trainer. These new members of the model’s team have been gaining visibility throughout the episodes, suggesting that Georgina is surrounded by a new circle of trust, at least at this stage of her life.

Regarding the future of Ivana Rodríguez in the serieseverything remains a mystery. Although no clear explanation has been given for his absence, speculation continues to grow. Some suggest this rift could be temporary, while others think it could represent a deeper change in the relationship between the sisters. Ivana has been a fundamental pillar in Georgina’s life, both on and off screen, so her absence is difficult to overlook. But, what will happen from now on?

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