He Hurricane Isaac has become one of the main protagonists This week, the AEMET confirms what is going to happen in Spain. The hurricane season has begun and with it, the fear that one of them will end up reaching our country. Especially in these times of instability and the fact that we are facing a major thermal anomaly on the way. This hurricane season and that means that we will be aware of a situation that can hit us completely.

Spain is preparing to face a change in cycle that could become what marks a before and after. This fall we are going to experience important developments that will come with some elements that may be key. The time will have come to look beyond those immediate plans and prepare for a phenomenon that is not common at all. We have to see what will happen with a hurricane that is already causing havoc in the other part of the world. Isaac is one of the first hurricanes of the season, which despite the distance can give us more than one surprise.

The AEMET confirms it

The AEMET experts have confirmed a situation that could be key and that may take us away from what would be usual. We are facing a series of important changes that have moved us away from a cycle change that can be essential in every sense.

We have ahead of us an autumn in which instability and bad weather have become a reality. Without a doubt, we have ahead of us a series of elements that are arriving and that will end up becoming a harsh reality against which we must fight.

It is the time of year when we are most aware of a sky that can bring totally unexpected consequences. We are faced with a series of details that are fundamental and that perhaps until now we had not taken into account. Hurricane season has begun and it has done so in such a way that we must start thinking about everything that lies ahead.

Time becomes one of the protagonists and makes us pay attention to a situation that may end up being very different. Isaac makes us think of a heaven that could leave a historical process underway.

This is what is going to happen in Spain with Hurricane Isaac

The Meteored experts are very clear about what is waiting for us in these next days that we have ahead of us. A changing situation that can become a real problem that will fully affect us. We will have to be very aware of what lies ahead.

That time will have come to start thinking about what is coming, following Meteored’s forecasts: «The National Hurricane Center, NHC, is issuing predictions and warnings of Tropical Storm Isaac in the process of intensifying into a hurricane in the coming hours, potentially affect first the Azores and, later, maritime areas in the eastern part of the North Atlantic. With this in mind, some media pointed to the arrival of a hurricane to the Spanish-Portuguese peninsular coasts. Nothing could be further from reality, according to the latest predictions. Yesterday, and on this same portal, there was talk of Isaac’s two possible trajectories, one towards the Iberian Peninsula and another towards higher latitudes, more in line with the climate, which would take Isaac far from the coasts of Spain.

It is a hurricane with special characteristics: «According to the NHC, Tropical Storm Isaac is strengthening and there is a high probability that the system will be a hurricane in a few hours. The center of Isaac was, at 03 UTC 05 hpo, west of the Azores and about 2005 km with sustained winds of 100 km/h and higher gusts. The tropical storm was moving east at about 19 km/h, with a minimum pressure of 992 hPa. This movement is expected with a turn more towards the east-northeast during the next few days (if this were the case, Isaac would move away from the Spanish coasts). The NHC expects additional strengthening over the next day or so, and Isaac is forecast to become a Category 1 hurricane. Rough seas and significant waves could already affect the Azores in the coming hours. Vertical wind shear remains below 20 kt, 37 km/h, while sea surface temperatures (SST) between 26-27 ºC for the next 24 h should allow for further intensification. These two factors favor the development of this system. Subsequently, shear will begin to increase further, as SSTs also begin to cool, creating an unfavorable environment for subsequent tropical development. These factors are expected to result in a leveling off of intensity, although cold upper-level temperatures should remain sufficiently unstable to maintain moderate to deep convection near the system. At 72h, weakening should begin, with an extratropical transition likely under way, ending sometime early next week over the high latitudes of the North Atlantic.”

The experts seem to be quite calm, as they say: «with the logic and high uncertainties, it is expected that Isaac will not arrive as a named tropical cyclone to the Peninsula. This could be indirectly affected by Isaac or his remains with its center of pressure far from Spain. We will have to pay attention to the new updates to the probabilistic models and the NHC predictions about Isaac.

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