Alvise Pérez, the false vigilante dedicated to the cause of denouncing corruption and political theft, has ended up confessing that It is just like the same ones he pursues. In a video uploaded this Thursday to his social networks, the faker admits to “having received cash without an invoice” after learning that an alleged cryptocurrency scammer has financed his political campaign with the delivery of 100,000 euros clean of dust and straw. «I accepted, and it is true, to collect those private fees, I repeat private, without invoice to have more savings“, with the aim of not enriching myself for my political activity, which is what I publicly promised,” said the MEP after being investigated by the Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office for illegal financing of his party. The Party is Over. (SALF).

He faker, who earns more than 10,000 euros gross per month, is compared to self-employed workers “who have no choice but to get paid without an invoice because it is the only way out.”

The activist who sold himself as scourge of the corrupt and powerful has ended up admitting to having received 100,000 euros in cash from Álvaro Romillo, founder of Madeira Invest Club, a cryptocurrency financial beach bar that closed without paying its clients. Despite all the evidence against him, the faker He has chosen the role of victim to defend himself: «I am not the accused and I will get away as always, because behind the slander and the broken messages there is nothing more than a supplement from the Treasury. Remember it. I’m not the one who’s really on trial. What is on trial is the system itself». «I have been paid for my work without an invoice, if that is the truth. I refuse to hide behind lies, empty promises and the typical fake smile of the politician on duty,” he said.

“The Treasury is a mafia where an inspector earns more than a Supreme Court judge and this criminal system, my friend, is broken,” says the same man who until recently denounced politicians, judges, journalists or businessmen for corruption. Far from asking for forgiveness, Alvise gets into trouble those who comply with their tax obligations: «To me, and I am going to say it clearly, I don’t give a damn whether people vote for me or stop voting for me. But I’m not going to go through politics gagged just because the system wants you rich and obedient. “I refuse.”

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