The war for control of territory between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel there is no respite, clashes are a constant that has caused tragedies in several regions of Mexico, one of them is the state of Nayarit, where an episode of violence left the discovery of 11 bodies in the mountain area of ​​the entity.

It was in the municipality of Huajicori, adjacent to the states of Durango and Sinaloa, where 11 bodies were found during an operation carried out by federal and state authorities, after receiving several citizen alerts.

The 11 victims had visible gunshot wounds and were dressed in tactical uniforms.surrounded by fired cartridges. Artisanal explosives and high-caliber weapons were also found, according to the Ministry of Public Security of the state of Nayarit.

The operation was carried out jointly by the National Guard, the Mexican Army and the State Police. The bodies were transferred by the Forensic Medical Service to the Attorney General’s Office of the state of Nayarit to be identified.

The authorities They are investigating whether they were members of a single criminal organizationor if they belong to different cartels and died after a confrontation between them.

Many spent cartridges were found at the scene; However, authorities are investigating whether the armed attack occurred at that location or if the bodies were transferred there.

The mountainous area of ​​the state, bordering Durango and Sinaloa, It has become a highly conflictive placedue to its difficult access and the great influence of criminal groups, which has constituted a corridor for drug and weapons trafficking.

Violence has increased so much in Huajicori that many residents have had to leave their homes, moving to other regions of the state, where they have received help and food from activists and residents.

Although the government of Nayarit has implemented joint operations with federal forces to contain the expansion of violence and protect the civilian population, The mountains continue to be a terrain used for trafficking drugs and weaponsand the municipality of Huajicori has witnessed constant armed conflicts.

Many schools have had to temporarily close and businesses have reduced their hours, ceasing service much earlier than usual.

So, Nayarit joins the list of states where drug wars affect the population in such a way that life as they knew it ceases to exist and they have to adapt to a new one that allows them to survive.

Keep reading:
– Coca Cola closes one of its facilities in Mexico after suffering extortion.
– National holidays suspended due to violence in Sinaloa and the US issues an alert.

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