China has decided to launch its first artificial sunwhich has reached 120 million degrees. The whole world is in suspense to see how far these scientists who have given us a lot to talk about can go. The time will have come to start thinking about everything that is yet to come and what is waiting for us. An important change in cycle that can mark the future of humanity. There is a series of data that leaves no room for doubt.

We face changes for which perhaps we are not prepared. The world is running out of resources and climate change is putting on the table a series of elements that will make the difference. These are times of change that may end up being the ones that accompany us in these days ahead, so we must be up to date with the latest discoveries of a science that knows very well what to do to change the world. The time will have come to look towards a country that is becoming the one that stands ahead of all others.

China lights up its first artificial sun

The world’s first artificial sun has been turned on in China. Creating a copy of this star may not be easy, but what we have discovered through it is that everything is possible, especially when we have a theory on the table that we know well. The Chinese are at the forefront of these types of discoveries.

The great Asian country knows perfectly well that it depends on all the necessary resources, so it is not surprising that we have to start thinking about what lies ahead and everything that is yet to come. The future is marked by a series of climatic events that we must begin to take into account.

The time will have come to put into practice some elements that may end up affecting us fully. Science and especially these experts from China have come up with an experiment that makes your hair stand on end. Obtain a small sun that will help humanity try to survive or create a small microclimate in case of going into space and depending on this element. A Sun that is already a reality, being, has lit up and reaches 120 million degrees.

120 million degrees and the world in suspense

The world is in suspense, witnessing a transformation that China has given us. From nothing, he has been able to create an artificial sun whose energy is surprising in every way. A highly recommended option that has generated more than one unexpected element. Science is ahead of everything in this transformation that can be total.

As Econews magazine tells us: “The sun is shining in China, but probably not in the way you would expect. Scientists working on the Huanliu-3 tokamak (HL-3), a nuclear fusion device in Hefei, China, have made a breakthrough that could change the future of clean energy. The HL-3 tokamak is like an artificial sun. It uses plasma heated to 120 million degrees to create nuclear fusion, producing the same amount of energy as a star. “Researchers around the world have been trying to achieve this type of nuclear fusion for decades.”

Continuing with the same explanation: «Nuclear fusion is a source of clean energy that could supply the world. To achieve this, scientists need to figure out how to manipulate plasma. Plasma isn’t just something that makes your TV work. Plasma is called the “fourth state of matter,” when atoms move so fast that they lose their electrons. With so much heat and energy, plasma is incredibly difficult to contain, but that’s where magnetic fields come into play. Scientists working on the HL-3 tokamak in China activated its innovative magnetic field for the first time. There is hope that the unique design of the magnetic field could mean good things for nuclear fusion. With the right magnetic field, the plasma inside the reactor would remain stable long enough for scientists to harness the power of nuclear fusion. Since nuclear fusion releases so much energy, it would easily generate enough electricity for turbines for millions of people (but with a non-green approach, as you already know).”

This project could change everything very soon: «China spends a lot of money on nuclear research. The country is deeply committed to making nuclear fusion a real solution to the energy crisis. “It’s not doing it alone, although 17 different research institutes and universities are working on the HL-3 tokamak to try to get it operational in the next decade.”

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