Summer’s days are numbered, but the team First Dates is willing to do everything possible to continue his work of uniting hearts, also in the fall. More and more singles are choosing to live the experience of the blind dating show, as it is a new opportunity to have a date with their ideal person. However, even if a compatibility test has been previously carried out, there are times when physical attraction does not appear at first sight. A situation that can be verified, recently, during the appointment between Liubou and Sergio. Two participants without no chemistry who lived one of the most tense evenings of the format.

Liuboua Russian 36 years oldreturned to the format to try his luck again. Her first stint in the program did not have a happy ending. For this reason, and far from standing idly by, the single He returned to repeat the experience. In this way, the participant indicated that she would like to meet a mature man, with clear ideas and who knew how to treat a woman. «And who wants to grow personally»he clarified. It was then that the program team introduced him to Sergioa bachelor, 42 years oldwho aims to start his own family. «I have to get my act together because I’m already in a hurry»he declared.

Sergio and Liubou, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset) Sergio and Liubou, participants of ‘First Dates’. (Mediaset)

However, what the participant did not imagine was his date’s attack of sincerity. «I want to be honest, I don’t like him, he’s not my type»Liubou said as soon as he saw Sergio. Some very direct words that didn’t sit well with him at all. «He is an interesting man, intellectually and sexually he is a marvel»commented the presenter about it.

«I thought it wasn’t my date. She thought she was a new waitress and I had a hard time accepting it »commented the bachelor. Likewise, and regarding the immediate rejection of the single woman, he couldn’t help but get upset. «He has had very few manners, it was unnecessary»he stated. But, despite this bad first start, both singles agreed to continue getting to know each other at the restaurant table.

However, the evening was already doomed. «She’s a little crazy, scattered. She didn’t care about everything. She didn’t come looking for love. She already has a son and on top of that, others take care of him »asserted the bachelor. On the other hand, and regarding his love past, the diner was honest and pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic was to blame.

Sergio and Liubou, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset)
Sergio and Liubou, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset) Sergio and Liubou, participants of ‘First Dates’. (Mediaset)

The final decision of First Dates

«We were in California, I had to return to Spain and I couldn’t be with her again. And then she had a child with someone else.”he pointed out. For his part, Liubou couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that he was talking to the wrong date. «What has not attracted me about Sergio is his neutral, passive energy… I want a dominant man. “I eat Sergio with potatoes,” she asserted.

A very uncomfortable appointment that seemed to take a long time for the Catalan. «The appointment seemed long and I wanted to leave»he stated. Far from stopping there, the participant was scared again when he saw how the diner took off her shoes in the middle of the date. «Being in a restaurant you have to behave. It seems like he’s here to promote himself. He doesn’t come looking for love. “It was embarrassing.”said. Therefore, in the final decision of First Datesboth rejected each other.

Sergio and Liubou, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset)
Sergio and Liubou, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset) Sergio and Liubou, participants of ‘First Dates’. (Mediaset)

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