Finding love is not an easy task in the era of social networks. Therefore, the team First Dates He is always willing to do everything possible to help his participants. In this way, singles who attend the format carry out a prior compatibility test with the aim of finding their ideal partner. A series of questions where they have to make known their tastes, hobbies and prototype of the perfect date. A unique adventure that Mariaa diner 64 years olddid not hesitate twice to live in the first person. Of course, the social educator He completely impressed the Basque communicator with his colorful hair. “I am an Equality agent, I am a therapeutic theater teacher…” she said in her presentation.

Minutes later he arrived Manuela telecommunications engineer, 63 years oldvery competitive and proactive. In fact, he confessed to being a great fan of the active lifestyle and sports. The first impression between the single couple was quite right and the single did not hesitate to make it clear from the first moment. «Very pretty»he commented in one of the program totals. Thus, and without wanting to prolong this situation too much, both participants went to the restaurant table with the aim of getting to know each other better. But, It didn’t take long for Manuel to displease María.

María and Manuel meet in 'First Dates'. (Mediaset)
María and Manuel meet in 'First Dates'. (Mediaset) María and Manuel meet in ‘First Dates’. (Mediaset)

Manuel, instead of focusing on getting to know the single woman, approached the bartender to talk to him. An impolite gesture that María did not find funny at all, but that she justified with possible nerves. “I’m going with my girl or else…”commented the diner. Despite everything, they both knew how to connect quickly and had a very pleasant conversation.

«They are things about crafts, about being at home. I can’t be at home. “The house overwhelms me.”Manuel commented privately. A few words that took place after listening to his date’s hobbies. «I go hiking. I have done the Camino de Santiago on foot and by bike. Then I have been going down the Júcar river in paddlesurf…”, he pointed out when he was interrupted by his appointment.

But, if they connected in most areas, in their hobbies they discovered their Achilles heel. In fact, and after listening to the sporty life of her date, María was clear. “No no. Look, there are things that don’t. “I stay on the shore with my pamela and I watch”he pointed out.

Manuel and María during their 'First Dates' date. (Mediaset)
Manuel and María during their 'First Dates' date. (Mediaset) Manuel and María during their ‘First Dates’ date. (Mediaset)

The final decision of First Dates

Subsequently, the participants moved to the reserved area. First Dates. There, both They played to read slips of paper and fulfill what had been written. A funny moment where the single woman, after reading a paper that suggested they kiss, confessed that she had gone to the date without brushing her teeth. In the end, They replaced the kiss with a hug.

But, when it came to making their final decision, they were clear. Both María and Manuel enjoyed an evening full of emotions and differences. Therefore, both They agreed to continue getting to know each other in a second meeting. Of course, now, far from the cameras of the Cuatro program.

Manuel and María, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset)
Manuel and María, participants of 'First Dates'. (Mediaset) Manuel and María, participants of ‘First Dates’. (Mediaset)

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