Last Wednesday, September 18, we were able to enjoy a new installment of First Dates. The program team led by Carlos Sobera did everything in its power so that the new diners who arrived at the most famous restaurant on television could meet their better half. Many times it does not turn out as expected, far from it, but on many other occasions several crushes arise. Two of the protagonists of this new installment were Leandro and Encarni. The first to arrive at the restaurant was the 59-year-old Sevillian, who everyone called ‘Lea’. Among other things, he made the following comment about him: «Being bald is not in your favor, it is against you… but hey, I’m not complaining». Furthermore, he recognized that he had been single for quite some time and had even taken a liking to it. Despite everything, he revealed that he was open to love and that I wanted to meet a woman with a sense of humor and attractive.

«It probably won’t be easy because I am very difficult to find a person who fits with me»the Andalusian insisted. His quote in First Dates It was Encarni, a 52-year-old from Madrid who, as soon as she arrived at the restaurant, defined herself as “a hot chick”: «Life is sometimes hard and you have to know how to handle it. Laughter takes away a lot of tension and makes you connect with people.”. They both had a good first impression of each other. Furthermore, he acknowledged the following: «She is pretty, she has a good figure and I liked her smile». It didn’t take them long to realize that their date was going to be full of humor, since it was something they had in common: «How nice. “He is very well dressed, he looks good.”. The evening itself began, and she did so with the singles talking about their professions. The Sevillian revealed that he did construction projects.

And not only that, but he was also a shareholder in several companies, which is why he was classified as a “poor businessman.” An expression that made the Madrid woman also give her opinion on the matter: «Like me! “I am a pharmacist, I am also poor”. When it came to talking about sports, the two had quite different tastes. While Lea was fascinated by paddle tennis, tennis and volleyball, Encarni liked hiking more and enjoying her flamenco classes.

Encarni and Lea on First Dates. (Mediaset)
Encarni and Lea on First Dates. (Mediaset) Encarni and Lea on First Dates. (Mediaset)

At one point during dinner, the woman from Madrid decided to be honest with her date. In this way, He let him know what the only requirement he had asked of the team was. First Dates When finding your date: have a sense of humor. The bachelor didn’t take long to react: “How lucky you have been!”. Despite everything, she recognized that they had not got one thing right, and that was the hair: “I don’t like bald people”.

What viewers did not expect is that, from one moment to the next, the event would take a truly radical turn. And all because the bachelor was really insistent when it came to knowing how long Encarni had been a single woman. «It will take about six years, I have been doing other things»acknowledged the Madrid native. He, for his part, wanted to go much further: “Have you had friends with benefits?”

It was then that the diner admitted that she was not liking the Sevillian’s attitude at all: «I have felt uncomfortable with the topic, I just met you and I am not going to tell you my intimacies». In the final decision, the two agreed that, despite having enjoyed a fun evening, they had not felt that magic that they both need. «I liked him as a person, but physically he is not my ideal prototype. “I like being with people like that, with a sense of humor.”assured the Sevillian. The spark did not arise between them!

Lea and Encarni in the final decision of First Dates. (Mediaset)
Lea and Encarni in the final decision of First Dates. (Mediaset) Lea and Encarni in the final decision of First Dates. (Mediaset)

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