The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusocharged this Thursday against the “censorship” of journalists from the Government of Pedro Sanchezwhich seeks to “frighten” them and which considers that it will be applied through the Democratic Regeneration Plan.

«Not even the senior officials of the CIS know what they charge, but they are going to put the companies, the audiovisual companies, their managers, the journalists in their hands to intimidate them, to persecute judges and the media, who “This is what they came up with during the five days of love in La Moncloa,” Ayuso launched during the Plenary Session of the regional Chamber.

Furthermore, in response to the proposal by the PSOE spokesperson in the Assembly, Juan Lobato, that regional financing be debated in the Assembly, Ayuso has told him that what she is going to propose is “a plenary session of censorship” to talk about everything what is happening in Spain and how “they are going against the press.” At this point, she has criticized that it has to be the Government of the nation that decides “what is biased news, who is a good or bad journalist.”

Along the same lines, the PP spokesperson in the Assembly, Carlos Díaz-Pache, has considered that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, is a “leader in love» who has prepared a Democratic Degeneration Plan to go against everyone, where insults to the King will no longer be criminal but surely anyone who messes with Begoña Gómez cannot be convicted. “She will not be the head of state but she is the queen of her heart and it would not be Sánchez’s plan if she did not have that touch of narcissism,” she launched.

Sánchez Plan

The Government of Pedro Sanchez presented on Tuesday in the Council of Ministers the Action Plan for Democracy with which he seeks to muzzle journalists and media critical of his management. This project, dressed as if it were a democratic regeneration plan, also advocates trying to silence those media that report on cases of corruption that stalk the Executive or Sánchez’s family environment. This plan began to take shape once it became known that the wife of the president of the Government, Begoña Gómezwas accused of influence peddling and business corruption.

This action plan by Sánchez advocates for “transparency and plurality in the information ecosystem” and reserves it to the Executive of the PSOE and Sumar to decide. “what is a media” and who are “the real professionals”, referring to media journalists. Among the measures of this plan, it seeks to reform the Institutional Advertising Law in order to “prevent pseudomedia that promote” hoaxes from being financed with public money, as well as create a media registry “so that its ownership is known” and to “oblige the publication of the money that public administrations invest in the media.”

The democratic regeneration plan, in addition to directly affecting the media and the companies that manage them, will also have a direct impact on the electoral processes with the reform of the Electoral Law or with institutional communication itself. In the first case, the candidates will be forced to attend the electoral debates, even if Sánchez himself refused to attend a few years ago. In the second, the Executive wants to expand its own information channels to «have greater contact with citizens» and that “it is easier for citizens to know and understand the measures we adopt to improve their living conditions.”

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