A trash can in the middle of the hallway was the immediate solution found this Friday the 13th by the staff of the Hospital Marcellin Velez Santana to contain the water that fell from a leak on the ceiling soffits in the consultation area.

Right next door, a group of three pregnant They were talking to each other while waiting for a turn for an appointment with the anesthesiologist.

“I arrived at nine and it’s already eleven thirty. The other day I came and it was my twentieth shift, I left almost six in the afternoon,” one of them complained about the long hours that consume between bill and be attended to by a specialist.

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Leak inside the Marcelino Vélez Hospital collected with a trash can. (CLAUDIA FERNÁNDEZ)

A woman with very dark glasses joined the conversation, who asked if anyone was in line to Ophthalmology.

“They told me to come in and see if the doctor arrives so they can bill me. That means I can be here waiting and in the end they won’t even treat me,” she said, somewhat distressed.

The woman, who did not identify herself, took off her glasses for a few seconds to show the redness in his right eye.

“My eye is swollen and it hurts a lot. I had an appointment in (the hospital) The Americans, but I let it lose and now it takes them about a month to give me another one, that’s why I came here,” he added.

Angry to be in fasting

She was visibly angry. Lissettea young woman in her twenties who had an indication for a kidney ultrasound.

“I don’t understand why for a kidney ultrasound they tell me to come in fasting. I woke up at four fifty in the morning to be here at six and at nine I was able to bill. That line moved very slowly and when my turn came, they told me that I stayed until two in the afternoon. Are they crazy? “Who is going to wait until two without eating?” The lady said while she was looking for an application on her cell phone to order a taxi.

A second cast

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After her accident, Joan Vargas walks on crutches. (CLAUDIA FERNÁNDEZ)

In the case of Joan Vargasthe young man had an accident last July while he was on board a motor in the Los Girasoles sector, who was immediately treated at the hospital local, being later referred to the Marcellin Velez.

“When I came to the emergency room, what they put on me was a cast and they gave me an appointment with the orthopedist for about twenty days later. When the doctor examines me, he asks me why they didn’t operate on me, but I don’t know, I’m the patient and That’s what they sent me. Now they tell me that I have to put on a second cast and that I have to go to therapy because time stops. surgery It’s already happened and he doesn’t recommend it,” he said.

Vargaswho had only been working at a new job for three weeks at the time of the accident, regretted not having more back and assured that the information he received is that it does not apply for the payment of the license via the Superintendency of Health and Occupational Risks (Sisalril) by not having 12 required quotes.

Echocardiograms on pause for vacation of the staff

Belkis (not his real name) said that his family had to wait two weeks for his father to have an echocardiogramsince the staff of the hospital who is in charge of carrying out this study was vacation.

“In that hospital There is a disorder… There are only two people who do this study and one was in agreement. vacation and the other at a conference. My dad had already been waiting for about thirteen days, but that is more expense for him. hospital because you have a patient there, waiting,” he explained about his experience, highlighting that the study is essential to set the date for a surgery to your parent already authorized by your Health Risk Administrator (ARS).

Another situation is that they only offer service until 12 noon, accumulating a list of patients in turn.

The explanation of hospital

Free Diary contacted the Communications Directorate of the Hospital Marcellin Velez from where they explained that, indeed, the department of Cardiology It has two doctors who perform the echocardiograms Monday to Thursday in the morning.

“There is one that comes on Mondays and Wednesdays and another on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The one that comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays was the one that was in vacationbut she already entered on the sixth,” confirmed Yaribel Carrasco, press officer at the health center.

“They are both already there, the study is being carried out from Monday to Thursday and is by appointment,” he stressed.

However, two other people assured that the echocardiograms are not available for patients external, only for those who are admitted. What is open to the public are electrocardiograms.

The difference between these two studies is that the electrocardiogram measures the electrical activity of the heart and echocardiogram allows you to assess the structure and function cardiac.

He Hospital Marcellin Vélez Santana was delivered in August 2023 by President Luis Abinader after having completed a period of remodeling and equipment valued at 765 million pesos.

Journalist, graduated from the Universidad Católica Santo Domingo (UCSD) with Summa Cum Laude honor. She has a master’s degree in Applied Communicology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She loves travel, fashion and live music.

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