The centenarians They live more in remote and disadvantaged areasthis is what a new study says that alerts us to what may be happening. The data that we had taken into account until now may be false. We can pay attention to diets and a lifestyle, which may have nothing to do with living longer, but quite the opposite. It is time to visualize some changes that are clear in this change of cycle that we see, the human being has reached 100 years earlier, therefore, perhaps the past is more reliable than the present.

The Romans reached the age of 100 and they were not the only ones, nor the first. Our current society is more numerous and has more diseases than it seems there has ever been. The knowledge acquired over these thousands of years, but also the arrival of some elements that perhaps we would never have imagined would be so negative, have hit this life expectancy. Therefore, we must put into practice some details that will be key. This new study changes everything, centenarians live in remote and disadvantaged areas.

This study changes everything

The truth, always, sooner or later, ends up coming to light. Until very recently, we were aware of a series of elements that go hand in hand and that could end up being what makes the difference in every way. Now everything has changed in terms of longevity.

Some of the blue zones, those where more people over 100 live, could be something false. Data could be manipulated, birth records altered, and deaths noted so that people lived until the administration realized they did not exist.

A change that may end up destroying the guidelines for longevity that seems to have some elements that are outstanding or that we thought would be. The reality is that those lifestyles that we thought were really key to living longer, may not be.

Time has become an element that we never have enough of. Nobody wants to get off this Ferris wheel on which we move at full speed. Therefore, this expert has discovered that he warns us that we cannot achieve everything.

Centenarians live in remote and disadvantaged areas.

The reality is that centenarians do not live in the center of a big city, nor do they have high incomes. Those who live the longest are those who have lived a life in remote areas. Something that perhaps we would never have imagined until now, but also some of the details that affect longevity are dismantled.

People can live longer in certain areas than we might have ever imagined. Dr Saul Justin Newman (UCL Center for Longitudinal Studies) is the one who has raised the alarm.

As this expert tells us: «The epitome of this is the blue zones, which are regions where people supposedly reach the age of 100 at a remarkable rate. For almost 20 years, they have been marketed to the public. They’re the subject of tons of scientific work, a popular Netflix documentary, tons of cookbooks about things like the Mediterranean diet, and so it happened. Okinawa in Japan is one of these areas. There was a Japanese government review in 2010, which found that 82% of people over the age of 100 in Japan turned out to be dead. The secret to living to 110 was, don’t record your death. The Japanese government has conducted one of the largest nutritional surveys in the world, dating back to 1975. From then until now, Okinawa has had the worst health in Japan. They have eaten fewer vegetables; “They have been extremely heavy drinkers.”

Continuing with the same explanation: «The same goes for all the other blue zones. Eurostat tracks life expectancy in Sardinia, the Italian blue zone and Ikaria in Greece. When the agency began keeping records in 1990, Sardinia had the 51st highest life expectancy in old age in Europe out of 128 regions, and Ikaria was 109. The cognitive dissonance that is occurring is incredible. With the Greeks, according to my estimates, at least 72% of centenarians were dead, missing or essentially in cases of pension fraud.

In addition to pension fraud, there are people who do not remember their age: “You would be surprised. Looking at UK Biobank data, even people in middle age routinely don’t remember how old they are, or how old they were when they had their children. There are similar statistics from the US.”

What does seem to affect the age we will reach is money: «It is very likely that longevity is linked to wealth. The rich exercise a lot, have little stress, and eat well. I just put out a preprint analyzing the last 72 years of UN mortality data. Places that consistently hit 100 at the highest rates according to the UN are Thailand, Malawi, Western Sahara (which has no government), and Puerto Rico, where birth certificates were canceled entirely as a legal document in 2010 because they were so full of frauds.

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