If you meet this requirement the best news is confirmed about your retirement, that moment will have come when we have to start thinking about what is to come and everything we will have to face. Without a doubt, that time will have come to start thinking about what lies ahead and everything that is waiting for us. A retirement that could be linked to a series of requirements that will be those that will accompany us these days.

The best possible news is what this expert tells us, which could end up being the one that tells us that the situation is changing by the moment. We all live pending a series of elements that will accompany us these days. We are facing some notable changes that we will have to take into account and that we may not have known about until now. It is time to visualize these types of elements that vary and that perhaps until now we had not taken into account. These are times of change and important developments, as far as retirement is concerned. That moment will have come when we must begin to balance in one way or another.

If you meet this requirement, you are in luck.

Retirement is an element that marks our lives. That goal that we want to achieve with the help of certain elements that perhaps until now we would have never imagined. It is time to start thinking about everything that is waiting for us, about what we must visualize in one way or another.

That element at the end of the path that we can visualize is now a small transformation that can end up becoming a reality. Without a doubt, the time has come to pay close attention to what the regulations tell us.

Although it may change, with the arrival of some changes, we will realize that we have a new reality ahead of us that could end up being the one that marks a before and after. An element that we can surely begin to think about in a truly surprising way.

The rules move and make us pay close attention to what they say, in order to be able to cope with some elements that will be the ones that will accompany us in these days ahead of us. It is time to start visualizing what is coming at this moment and how to face it.

The best possible news on the retirement age confirmed

The BBVA group tells us the requirements to be able to start managing some details that are key and that perhaps we had not imagined until now. The years of contributions are fundamental elements that will mark the essential requirement with which we can retire. In this case it is essential to know whether or not we can stop working sooner, it will depend on what we have done in our day to day life.

As this explanation indicates: «Starting in 2027, the end of this transitional period, the ordinary retirement age will be 67 years in the case of those people who have contributed less than 38 years and 6 months, and 65 years if 38 years and 6 months or more of contributions were accumulated. Currently, in 2023 the legal retirement age is 66 years and 4 months when less than 37 years and 9 months of contributions are accredited. However, if they have been contributing for 37 years and 9 months or more, the interested party may retire at 65 years of age. Therefore, if you want to retire in these last 4 months of the year, these above are the minimum ages that, depending on the number of years you have contributed, you must be (to access ordinary retirement).

Continuing with the same explanation: «For 2024 the legal age of ordinary retirement increases two months compared to 2023. The retirement age in 2024 will be 66 years and 6 months when less than 38 years of contributions are accredited. On the other hand, if the contributor period is 38 or more years old, the interested party may retire at the age of 65.

It will be a voluntary retirement that can prevent us from continuing to contribute for years and years: «Therefore, to access early retirement Voluntary in 2024 it will be necessary to be at least 64 years and 6 months old if you have less than 38 years of contributions. If you have 38 or more years of contributions, it will be possible to access voluntary early retirement from the age of 63. In the case of involuntary early retirement, in 2024 it will be possible to access this forced early retirement from the age of 62 years and 6 months if you have less than 38 years of contributions, or from the age of 61 if those 38 years are accumulated. or more quotes.

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