In a message addressed to the girls and adolescents of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, who is preparing to assume the presidency of the country, urged female youth to follow their dreams.

Through her Instagram account, the politician assured that women can be whatever they want to be and fulfill their dreams, without prejudice.

“We can be whatever we want to be and fulfill our dreams, without prejudice. Women can be engineers, doctors, scientists, athletes, firefighters, police officers, presidents of the Republic and guide the course of our nation.,” Sheinbaum expressed.

Claudia Sheinbaum becomes president 71 years after Mexican women gained the right to vote and 42 years after Rosario Ibarra’s attempt to become president.

Sheinbaum will join the 28 women currently serving as heads of state or government around the world, marking a milestone in global politics and in the history of Mexico.

Sheinbaum’s inauguration is scheduled for October 1, 2024, in accordance with an electoral reform approved in 2014 that advanced the start of the presidential term. This reform also modified the start date of the first regular session of Congress, which now begins on August 1 in election years.

Both in the campaign and after his victory, Sheinbaum emphasized gender equality and has met with women to listen to them. Some of his presidential promises are focused on the attention and prioritization of women; Her speeches have been in favor of this sector.

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