One of the licenses that almost everyone should have is driving, since it is used a lot in our daily lives and is very useful, in such a way that we save on going on public transport.

The fact is that before that it is necessary to take a series of courses beforehand, since without driver license You cannot take the controls behind the wheel of a car. In this sense, the license is made up of 12 points, unless you are new, since in this case you will have 8 and if you fail to comply with the regulations you will be able to lose them.

News in the BOE

In the BOE a Ministerial Order new that what it did was regulate the points recovery courses for the license, 20 years after this Points Permit was implemented, as well as the Order that regulated these courses in our country.

These new developments will come into force from next November 4 and a total of 900 centers in our country will teach them.

In general, a good part of the innovations will be focused on increasing the amount of time that will be allocated to group dynamics, since it is considered that the students will internalize the messages much better.

New offender profiles will be created and there will be a large participation of victims with a mandatory nature, since in the two decades of experience they have demonstrated the effectiveness in changing attitudesas the DGT says.

Partial recovery

The courses will vary depending on whether the recovery of the points is partial or total. In the event that they are partial, drivers will be able to recover four points, when until now up to six were possible.

Full recovery

If we talk about this option, the duration will be at least twenty hours. Sixteen destined for the common part, divided into nine of general training, four of group dynamics that will be taught by a training psychologist, one hour for a victim of a road accident and another two hours of variable content, which will be taught by a trainer who will include the intervention of two other professionals.

A points card that has been a success

The passage of years has shown that the points-based license was a good decision, as the General Director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, has pointed out. Let us remember that it was a measure approved in the legislature of Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapateroas president of the Government.

There are few drivers who have lost all points since 2006, around 1%. Of course, they do significant damage, since in the end they drive with significant disregard for traffic rules.

The points-based card was born to address the problem of repeat offenders, since in these 15 years all of them used up their points and went through a series of recovery courses.

The most important objective of the implementation of this tool was to make the users safer. road trips and it fulfilled its existing purpose, since since 2006, the number of deaths from traffic accidents has been reduced by 80%.

Many millions of points lost

Among the causes of the loss of so many points, we can talk about speeding, alcohol consumption and distractions from using the mobile phone as the main reasons.

In the same way, driving faster than the permitted speed was something that represented a 46% of all sanctions and that 46% of all sanctions were lost.

Likewise, consuming alcohol and drugs, driving using or talking on a cell phone, as well as improper use of seat belts or child restraint devices.

There is data that says that drivers also lost the validity of their license due to three or more sanctions that were directly related to speed, relapse into alcohol consumptioncatching them using their cell phone or for testing positive for drugs on many occasions.

Decisions had to be made

Seen with the passage of time, the truth is that it was successful and although it could be even more successful, we cannot say that it has not helped drivers They think better about what they do when they get behind the wheel.

Something has indeed influenced the rules not to be taken as lightly as was done before they came into force.

We will see how all these measures evolve, but the truth is that it can be considered that they are aimed at reducing infractions even further, which is always positive to take into account.

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