The elected president of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia has cheered this Saturday from Madrid the protests against the drug dictator Nicolás Maduro supported by the leadership of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the PP, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, president of the Community of Madrid, and Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, PP deputy in Congress. This September 28 marks 60 days since the narco-dictator Nicolás Maduro’s coup in the Venezuelan presidential elections, held on July 28, was won by González Urrutia, the consensus candidate of the opposition. However, the president-elect is in Spain asylum after threats from Maduro to put him in jail, who has used the institutions of Venezuela, kidnapped by Chavismo, and the Security Forces and Bodies of the Venezuelan State to eliminate the opposition. Gónzalez recognized this Saturday from Madrid that he has joined the global wave of rallies against the drug dictator Maduro.

The president of the Community of Madrid Isabel Díaz Ayuso This has highlighted that “since I have been president of the Community of Madrid, I have been totally committed to the freedom of the people of Venezuela. For this reason, two months have passed since Maduro’s defeat at the polls. We want to once again convey our support from Puerta del Sol, after this exodus of more than 2,000 detainees, including minors. Calling for the institutions in Spain and Europe to finally declare, we want to convey our support to the people of Venezuela and declare once and for all the end of tyranny in Venezuela.

He elected president of Venezuela, Edmundo González Urrutiahas been received with applause and the shout of “president, president!” this Saturday upon his arrival at Madrid’s Puerta del Sol, where one of the demonstrations took place to demand his international recognition as the legitimate president of Venezuela.

«He seems to me to be a good man, who has taken a very brave step and great generosity. I am very excited to see him and I would also like to see María Corina Machado at some point, to whom I also want to send a very strong hug from here, we think a lot about her,” said the president of the Community of Madrid.

The mobilization is carried out in a context marked by the opposition’s fight against the regime of Nicolás Maduro and seeks to make visible the victory that, according to the minutes published by the opposition leader María Corina Machado, González Urrutia obtained with more than 70% of the votes. in the presidential elections of July 28.

According to Machado, this global demonstration will take place in parallel with the United Nations General Assembly, a key stage to pressure the international community to take action against what they describe as “the usurpation of power” by Ripe.

During this day of protest, participants will demand three essential points: the global recognition of González Urrutia as the legitimate president of Venezuela, that Nicolás Maduro “leave power immediately” and justice for the crimes against humanity committed by the Chavista dictatorship.

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