Elena Tablada has surprised locals and strangers. This time for statements that not only reveal details of her personal life, but also uncover a hidden aspect of her relationship with her ex-husband Javier Ungría. Her separation, dated 2022 After six years of marriage, she seemed to have settled into the designer’s life, but a recent appearance on Mediaset has reopened the wounds of the past and brought into focus an alleged discord that would have deeply affected her family.

The designer, who has maintained a public stance of having “turned the page” after their breakup, has spoken again about the businessman, generating surprise and controversy. Her testimony has sparked diverse reactions, especially among the Ungría family. The discreet clan does not understand why Elena continues to refer to Javier in her statements, even more so when it has been almost two years since they ended their relationship.

In a current interview, Elena Tablada has shared her version of the events and touched on a topic that, until now, had gone practically unnoticed by the public: Javier Ungría’s alleged lack of affinity towards Ella, the daughter that Elena had in their relationship. previous with David Bisbal. Although she did not mention this conflict explicitly in each of her statements, it was clear that she hinted that the relationship between her eldest daughter and her then-partner was a turning point in her marriage.

Elena Tablada: «My daughters will always weigh more»

Elena Tablada had already spoken about the reasons for their separation in a statement, where she implied that her daughters would always be her priority: «On a scale my daughters will always weigh more». That phrase, apparently without malicious intent, contained more than what was perceived at first glance and was a subtle clue that a difficult choice had arisen in her relationship with Javier. The comment, went unnoticed for many at the time and now reveals that Elena could have been in the position of having to choose between the stability of her marriage and the well-being of her daughters.

The model Elena Tablada posing in Madrid
The model Elena Tablada posing in Madrid Elena Tablada posing. (Photo: Gtres)

According to the last minutethis was one of the main reasons that led to the final breakup. Tensions between Javier and Elena’s eldest daughter grew to the point that the couple decided to seek help in therapy to try to resolve their differences. However, these attempts were in vain. In his public intervention, Elena confessed that she did everything possible to “bring them together” and improve the relationship between Javier and Ellabut he admitted that, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t force someone to change their position if they didn’t have the will to do so. «The best thing that happened to me “It was to put an end to that relationship because when a person does not want to understand or empathize, there is no possible solution,” he declared in this regard.

According to her testimony, everything began to go wrong after the birth of Camila, the daughter she had with Javier. It was then when the problems became more visible and coexistence between everyone became complicated. Elena relates that, although At first he tried not to give it too much importancethe situation became unsustainable. The friction between Javier and his eldest daughter affected the family environment and ended up eroding the relationship between them. «It was like he couldn’t bear the thought of sharing his life with my daughter. and that lack of empathy was the trigger,” said the designer, referring to her ex’s attitude.

The sharp decision made by Elena Tablada

The outcome of this situation was not easy. Elena decided to take matters into her own hands and sue Javier Ungría to obtain full custody of Camila, their daughter together. According to Tablada, she did it not only to protect the little girl, but also to ensure that her daughters could grow up together and in an environment that she considered healthier. «I want my girls to grow up together and with the same valuessomething that I have been instilling for 13 years,” explained the designer, reaffirming that her family is the most important thing to her.

This conflict does not seem to have been completely left in the past. Javier Ungría, after hearing Elena’s statements, has expressed his discontent and does not rule out taking legal measures. According to close sources, The businessman is considering suing his ex-wife for the accusations made in public, since he considers them false and harmful to his image. For Javier, insinuating that he had a negative attitude towards Ella is a serious and delicate statement, which can also have emotional repercussions for his daughter Camila. “There are certain lines that should not be crossed”say those close to the businessman.

The war is at a delicate moment. While Elena remains firm in her position that everything she has done has been for the good of her daughters, Javier feels attacked and willing to defend himself in court if necessary. The confrontation has opened a new chapter in this story that, although it seemed to have come to an end with the separation, continues to generate controversy.

Despite everything, Elena has made it clear that, no matter what happens, her main objective is the well-being of her daughters. For her, her priority has always been for them to grow up in an environment of love and values, away from family tensions and conflicts. What remains to be seen is whether this new episode in her relationship with Javier will be resolved peacefully or will lead to a new legal confrontation.

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