Vox shows its cards at the beginning of the political course. The illegal immigration and the securitytwo of the basic pillars of the political action of Santiago Abascal, will have their own entity through a special spokesperson that they have just created and which will be headed by the National Police Samuel Vazquez an agent with decades of experience in citizen security tasks, an expert in street gangs and whom the Home Office of Fernando Grande-Marlaska vetoed when he tried to make the leap into politics with Vox.

Vázquez is today an advisor on Interior matters to the Vox parliamentary group in Congress. He is an important figure in all matters related to citizen security, illegal immigration and everything related to police and civil guards.

He is also president of the association A 21st Century Policean organization that has been denouncing for years the gaps in the police model imposed by the Government of Pedro Sánchez more based on statistics than on the reality of the Spanish streets.

Vaquez finally could not go on the Vox lists in Fuenlabrada as was the party’s intention. As OKDIARIO announced, Vázquez had been designated as number 2 by the team led by Santiago Abascal, but a last-minute disciplinary file from the Ministry of the Interior caused him to be declared ineligible. A court denied the precautionary measures for the municipal elections of 2023.

Everything was ready at Vox for Samuel Vázquez, an agent of the National Police Corps (CNP) specialized in citizen security and Latino gangs, to be number 2 on the Vox lists in Fuenlabrada for the municipal elections of 28M. Vázquez, who regularly patrolled the streets of the municipality as part of the unit specialized in serious crimes, even gave lectures in the Madrid Assembly or in the Congress of Deputies, where he made some deputies uncomfortable by debating taboo issues such as the link between insecurity and illegal immigration.

This speech was uncomfortable for the Interior, which recently dusted off a disciplinary file shelved years ago to remove him from his position. Another, recent file was added to that file, due to a tweet published by the police association he directs, but which was not signed by him. The result was the annulment of his candidacy, thanks to a maneuver by Fernando Grande-Marlaska’s department, which Vázquez described as “prevarication” and was willing to appeal. However, not in time for 28M.

Vetoed by Marlaska

«Accomplished facts: I am ineligible and, therefore, I could not go on lists. Not because I had a criminal conviction or any disqualification, but because the Director General of the Police opened a new file on me for a tweet that I didn’t even write. “It belongs to the association,” said the agent affected by the Interior decision.

«The central investigating judge, the state attorney’s office and the prosecutor’s office opposed the precautionary measures, which would have allowed me to appear. The process against fundamental rights continues, but now, even if I win, I will never recover the right. However, if the precautionary measures had been accepted, even if I had lost, it would only have paralyzed an administrative file in which I have not even been heard yet. File that could have continued on my return to the body,” he added.

In other cases, as he tried to justify before the judge, precautionary measures had been granted to the agents so that, despite having a file in progress, they could appear on lists as a fundamental right of political participation. This was not the case, although, according to Vázquez, he was not told why. In fact, he had not yet been called by the General Directorate of the National Police to find out his version of the events that were attributed to him in said file.

«This implies one thing: I will never be able to stand for elections, since it is enough for a commander to open a file for me, which is a discretionary act without any legal guarantee. They can open it to me even for a tweet that I did not write and that is not on my networks, and even without having been summoned to testify, it already annuls my right to passive suffrage,” Vázquez lamented.

This candidacy was an important bet by the party led by Santiago Abascal for a municipality traditionally considered a bastion of the left. In Fuenlabrada, the PSOE had governed uninterruptedly since 1979, earning the nickname “Fuenlingrad.” However, the PSOE’s control over the municipality could break: Isabel Díaz Ayuso had won there in the last regional elections, and the balance of power could change in the municipal elections on May 28.

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