Hugo Mallo has been found guilty of sexual abuse committed on April 24, 2019 at the stadium of the Spanishwhere he committed said crime against the person who worked as the mascot of the parakeet team. Five years later and after the sentence, Carmen Comahas decided to come forward and break his silence. The woman who reported Hugo Mallo for putting his hand under the costume and touching her breasts has spoken in several media outlets and explained her version of what happened.

The victim says that right after the abuse “I was very clear that I wanted to report it and I did so the day after. I felt anger, disgust. Touching the chest could seem like a jokea joke that goes unpunished but I told myself that it can’t be. He has had a bad time, but he celebrates that justice has been done: «I have been under pressure for five years, shame and fear of my identity being known because I am an anonymous person. “I am satisfied because finally the judge has proven that what happened to me is true… Justice has been done,” she declared in Wave Zero.

«I know that the video was fundamental for defense. Even in front of 20,000 people and cameras, people doubted what had happened,” he adds. And he tells how it all happened: “I was shocked, I tried to push him away and screamed ‘bastard’, but no one listened to me because I was under the costume.” Carme explains that “I have been silent for five years with media behind me to get me to speak and I have not done so out of respect for myself and the judicial process but now that the sentence is known I wonder Why do I have to shut up? Why do I have to hide? “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Hugo Mallo, convicted

«In a way it comforts me, It makes me believe that justice makes sense and it has helped me to someone anonymous, who did not have the need to spend these four years, but I am satisfied because I have defended myself with my tools. I am satisfied. It has been made quite clear in the ruling. This is what I have reported. At that moment I was shocked, I tried to push him away and shouted ‘bastard’, but no one heard me because I was under the costume and in a stadium. It left me absolutely shocked. “We didn’t know each other at all,” he says in the Cope Chain.

Carmen Coma She also reveals the problems she had and acknowledged that no one from Hugo Mallo’s entourage, nor the player himself, had contacted her: «After a year and a half, the Cornellá court filed the case. We appealed it and the case was reopened. This has really happened and I am a normal person who is doing something as a hobby; In life I thought I would find myself in this situation. There has been nothing about the environment. I have considered it and talked about it and if he had had it in the beginning, maybe I would have reconsidered it. But I made the decision very soon, the day after. I wrote an email rejecting Celta and Espanyol, who offered me help from minute zero, both personal and legal.

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