This news will leave José Ortega Cano speechless, since the protagonist was part of his life for many years. Gema Aldón’s career has taken an unexpected turn in recent months and her new source of income has aroused the curiosity of many. Initially known for being the daughter of Ana María Aldón and for having taken advantage of her mother’s media influence to participate in ‘Survivors’, she has surprised everyone by revealing how she is currently earning up to 4,000 euros per month. However, the nature of her work has not left anyone indifferent and, although she prefers to be discreet in certain aspects, she herself has shared some details during a call to the program ‘Ni que fueramos’.

Gema Aldón always had a passion that surprised many: He dreamed of having his own funeral home and devoting himself fully to the world of thanatopraxya discipline that he studied with dedication and effort. However, the twists and turns that life takes and the opportunities that arise along her path led her to drastically change her professional direction. Although the tomb world seemed to be her destiny, has decided to put that dream on pauseat least for the moment, to focus on a new facet that has allowed it to generate considerable income.

Goodbye to television

After finishing her television stint as a collaborator on ‘This is Life’, Ana María Aldón’s daughter found a business opportunity on social networks that she has decided to exploit. Far from the traditional spotlight, but taking advantage of her public visibility, she has begun sharing content on adult platforms and it is here where he has found a lucrative source of income.

Gema Aldón is not the first nor will she be the last public figure who decides to take advantage of his popularity on social networks to generate income. In his case, he has opted for exclusive content platforms such as OnlyFans, where he shares racy images and videos. What at first seemed like an adventure to explore new avenues of income has become a stable and very profitable occupation. “In a good month I can earn between 3,000 and 4,000 euros,” Gema revealed. during her intervention in the program presented by María Patiño on YouTube.

Although this figure already attracts attention, what really surprised was its revelation about the type of content it offers. “My content is explicit, super explicit,” she bluntly confirmed. This statement was followed by a clarification about the nature of his work: although most of the material is produced alone, sometimes he collaborates with other people to create videos and photos. However, as she herself commented, these collaborations are not the norm, but rather the exception.

Gema Aldón’s work on OnlyFans

In addition to the photographic and audiovisual content that he shares on OnlyFansalso offers other personalized services that allow you to increase your income. Among them, he highlighted video calls, a service for which he charges around 2,000 euros for just 20 minutes of interaction. Despite the details she shared, she was somewhat reserved when asked further about the exact nature of these calls. “I can’t tell you much because I have my grandmother here by my side,” he commented with a touch of modesty..

As expected, Gema’s work has not gone unnoticed by her mother, who has been a well-known public figure, especially for her relationship with the bullfighter. Jose Ortega Cano. When she was asked in ‘Not even that we were’ about her mother’s reaction, she was clear: “My mother knows what I do, but she doesn’t like to hear it”. Although Ana María is aware of her daughter’s decision, she has preferred to stay out of the details, making it clear that, although she respects him, she prefers not to get involved in that part of her life.

The position adopted by Ana María Aldón

The influencer Gema Aldón with her mother at an event
The influencer Gema Aldón with her mother at an event Gema Aldón with her mother. (Photo: Gtres)

About a year ago, when Gema began sharing content on adult platforms, the images reached the media and the program ‘Fiesta’ soon echoed them. During a broadcast of the program, Ana María Aldón commented that she had seen some of her daughter’s photos just before going out to the set. «It shocks me, what do you want me to tell you. “I respect her decision, but seeing those images of my daughter is something that shocks me,” the designer confessed.

Despite this initial shock, Aldón has made it clear on several occasions that she supports her daughter’s freedom to make her own decisions. “It’s your life and you have every right to do whatever you want with it”he stated in one of his last interventions on Telecinco.

Gema’s work in the creation of adult content has generated diverse opinions. On the one hand, her followers on social networks and subscribers on OnlyFans seem to support her decision, considering that she is an empowered woman. On the other hand, there are those who criticize her choice, especially due to her relationship with Ana María Aldón and José Ortega Cano. At the moment The young woman does not plan to change her plansbecause she is sure of what she is doing.

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